Blogging is tough, we all know that and it can be hard, very very hard at times to keep up the motivation, enthusiasm, mojo – whatever you want to call it – to write and create new blog posts. Whether it’s through writers block or a lack of desire, it’s rubbish either way and can put a bit of a downer on your mood, your blog and your attitude towards it.

keeping up the blogging mojo

It’s important to know though, that every blogger gets these moods and phases. I know I have, man I’ve had those moods where nothing I write seems good enough or I can’t come up with any decent blog post ideas more times than I care to admit! But… in time, we always come out the other side. It’s normal, you can’t have your creative spark on 24 hours a day, 365 days a year!

During my blogging journey, whenever I’ve had these moments, days, weeks, phases where I seem to have lost my blogging mojo a bit, can’t think of anything to write and everything I do write seems completely and utterly hopeless I’ve always done a few things to help me get through it and to help me keep a positive mind-set rather than letting it get on top of me.

Note down every single blog post idea you have

By doing this, when you find yourself in one of those creative slumps, looking back over a list of ideas you’ve had in the past you may find an old idea which wasn’t right for you then will spark an interest now.

Write a blog post when your blog is doing well

We all have good and bad blog days. When they’re not doing as well as usual, that sucks but 99% of the time, it’s not our fault. I always try and write my blog posts when my blog is doing well and my motivation is at its peak.

Do research into your older blog posts

When you’ve got zero mojo (that sounds like a bad Boyband, doesn’t it?), I find doing research into your own blog and going back and examining which posts done well helps and reminds you of what you’re good at.

Read more blogs

I know we all do this anyway but finding new blogs to read is always inspiring for your own. Try reading blogs that you wouldn’t usually read to get ideas you wouldn’t normally have.

Search for blog post ideas

Lots and lots of bloggers have wrote posts with lots of great blog post idea suggestions for others to use. There’s nothing wrong with seeking inspiration this way and I wrote my own list of blog post ideas here!

Get outside! (Or at least off the computer)

Inspiration is everywhere and sometimes, the best thing to do when you’re stuck in a creative rut is remove yourself from your laptop or wherever you blog for a while and come back with a clear head.

These points have all worked for me in the past so I hope anyone reading this who has lost their blogging mojo can find something useful here! What are your top tips for getting your blogging enthusiasm back?


  1. […] popular. You don’t want to make that mistake. Instead, you need to ensure that you keep your blogging mojo going strong. There will be times when you don’t feel like writing, but you have to push […]

  2. It’s just nice to be reminded, when you’re in a but of a funk, that others have been there before and probably will be again! Reassuring that you’re not broken!!!
    Thanks for the really practical tips too
    M x

  3. Oh, I love this – especially the last tip. I feel like as bloggers, we tend to spend SO MUCH TIME on the computer that sometimes we forget to actually go out and live a little! I’ve found my most popular posts (and the ones I’m most proud of) are those sparked by ideas I’ve had while just having fun and not thinking about blogging at all. The world outside can be our best inspiration. <3

  4. Great tips, Jenny! I’ve recently come out of a blogging slump and what I did was take a break, but at the times when I did feel inspired to write, I wrote. That way, I now have tons of scheduled posts for the next two months while I can continue slumping in peace!

  5. It’s also depressing when no one reads your amazing new post! it can be demoralizing. I have no idea why I wanted to write a blog post per week, I only have myself to blame

    1. It is rubbish, I agree. I think most bloggers experience it, like I mentioned with the good and bad blogging days. I sometimes find blog posts I’ve planned for ages and spent longer writing get less interaction than posts I’ve kinda whacked out in a spur of the moment.

  6. For inspiration, I sometimes run off to other blog ‘genre’, like lifestyle or beauty blogs, to recharge.

    Great post, I’ve only been blogging for a month but there are already days where it feels too hard haha.

    1. Yes me too! I love food and travel blogs – I only blog about those topics occasionally so I love immersing myself in a blog that focuses purely on it 🙂 Thank you! And don’t worry, you’ll be fine 🙂 xx

  7. I love this. It truly is sometimes a struggle to keep the blogging flow going and all these points you made are so accurate in getting the ‘mojo’ back.

    1. That’s a great thing to do. If I’m really struggling with a certain blog post I’ll usually just leave it and try again the next day 🙂 I agree too, seeing everyone else doing well motivates me a lot too! xx

  8. Great post Jenny, I’ve started visiting more blogs off late which have fantastic content and I have my Mickey Mouse notebook where I pop my ideas in to or rather scrawl and then I have no idea what I have written!!

    1. A notebook is so handy- I have a new little one but it’s so pretty I kinda don’t wanna write in it haha you really can find lots of inspiration from other blogs! xx

  9. These are some great ideas 🙂 I always like to have posts scheduled in advance so that I don’t to worry too much if I’m having a bad week post-wise.

    I like your idea of looking back on older posts for inspiration, I’d thought of that before.

    1. That’s a great idea too – I do schedule, but not usually too far in advance. It’s usually about a week or so but its still really helpful for if I’m particularly busy that week or lacking inspiration! Thank you for your comment 🙂 xx

    1. Thank you very much! Oh god yeah, me too. But I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. Usually when you’re having a good blog day, your motivation is higher which means you might write better posts 🙂 xx

  10. Yes, yes and yes! I feel that it sounds stuck up when I say this, but I really never run out of things to write about! I suppose it depends on what your blog is about but I’ve a super long list and as I like to space out my types of posts I still have sooo many to write up that happened weeks ago!


    1. That’s great though that you’re never lacking inspiration! This is what I meant by noting down all your blog post ideas so even if you don’t feel like writing about a certain idea at the time, you may want to in a month or so 🙂 xxxx

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