I am very organised. That’s not me being big-headed, it’s simply a fact. I thrive off of organisation, I work well when I’m organised, when things are in place and I know what I’m doing and when. I’ve never really been a spontaneous person, I like having a plan and a schedule. I am very much a Type A personality – you can’t get much more Type A than me! But I pride myself on this because I get shit done. I might not be the most creative person. I can’t draw or paint or write poetry or arrange flowers but you know what I can do? Get 7 blog posts written in 1 day. I can keep to deadlines and I make a plan and stick to it. I recently ran a Twitter poll about whether to do a post like it – I didn’t want to come across as pompous or anything, I simply just want to share some tips that I personally find helpful!

But it’s important to understand that if you’re not mega organised, that’s all gravy. To be a good blogger, you don’t have to be sticking to a schedule every day or writing every day or never stepping a foot out of line and getting 5 posts up, every week, without fail. Blogging doesn’t work like that and life doesn’t work like that. But these tips are simply for those who wanna get a bit more organised with their blog and a New Year is always the best time to start! Whether you’re Type A through and through like me or you rock to the beat of the universe and take things as they come, we’re all blogging royalty here!

1. Delete everything from your laptop and start again: Get yourself a USB and wipe your laptop clear of everything you don’t need from the previous year. You can do this with non-blog related stuff too (I always do) but any photos or documents you don’t need, put them on that USB and delete!

2. Create all new folders: My laptop consists of a “Blogging” folder and within that folder I have, “Images” and “Documents”. Within those folders, I have, “Book Covers”, “Product Reviews”, “Misc”, “Invoices” etc. You get the jist. You don’t have to go as far as this of course but create all the folders you want ahead of the New Year so they’re ready to go!

3. Brainstorm blog post ideas in advance: I always brainstorm my ideas for the month after next, so at the time of writing (beginning of November), I’m finishing up scheduling my December content and will then brainstorm and work on January content. Working in advance really helps because it takes the pressure off!

4. Scheduling is your friend: As I said above, scheduling content in advance is a great way to stay organised. Because if it happens that you’re having a particularly bad or busy week and literally cannot blog, knowing you already have a bunch of content scheduled can be a huge weight off of your shoulders!

5. Figure out what you want from your blog this year: You might find you was a new lease of life for your blog in 2018 and that’s cool! If you wanna take things more seriously, blog more often, get sponsored posts and review products then that’s great! Set yourself some goals and a plan before the year starts so you can jump straight in!

6. Notebooks: Aside from all my folders, I have a lot of notebooks. I find that physically writing things down instead of typing them for a change can be really beneficial as it takes more time and effort and gets those cogs working. Treat yourself to a cute notebook for the New Year!

7. And carry that notebook everywhere: If it’s a relatively small notebook, keep it in your bag to jot down ideas. Or if not, use a note on your phone. Either way, as you go along on your day to day life, any idea that comes to you, note it down! Even if it’s not right for that time, it might be in a month or so.

8. Get into the habit of reading blogs: The latter part of 2017, I’ve been reading and commenting on so many more blogs and my motivation and inspiration has spiked dramatically. As a blogger, it’s important to support and recognize other people’s talents and taking inspo from our fellow bloggers. As long as you’re not copying them!

9. Make use of publicize: On WordPress, publicize allows you to connect Twitter, Facebook, Google + and LinkedIn to your blog so every time you have a new post published, it gets posted straight on these sites without you doing it. Utilize that feature so if you don’t have time to share your new post straight away, your platform has already done it for you. I’m not sure if Blogger has this but if you’re a Blogger user and you know, please leave a comment!

10. Remember to have fun: Organizing and being organised sounds so bloody boring, I know but it doesn’t need to be. It’s your blog and you need to be enjoying it, otherwise it’s going to show and remember that adding organisational skills into your blogging routine shouldn’t make it any less fun, it’s designed to make it easier and more rewarding. Seeing all those posts scheduled in advance and knowing you’ve got plenty of ideas to last you and you’ve not got to worry it so rewarding.

I hope these tips were helpful for anyone who wants to try and be a bit more organised with their blog in the New Year! If you have any tips of your own, please leave them below!


  1. Hi Jenny, I really enjoyed this post especially the part about cleaning off the computer. I am going to do that today. I’m trying to find a post with a sample post schedule and a sample week activity schedule. I feel like I’m floundering a bit. Can anyone help?

  2. Thanks for the nice advice Jenny!
    I’ll try to apply a few of those such as getting into the habit of reading blogs more often and scheduling my blogposts and ideas.

    Greetings by Sophie

  3. These are really useful tips especially for a new blogger like myself. Thank you very much, I will take extra care when scheduling since it’ll really be my best friend as yo mentioned!

    I’ve also made a post on New Years Resolutions which I think you may enjoy! Happy New Year!!

  4. Brilliant post! You’ve definitely motivated me to be more organised, especially with my blog. I think it’s time for me to set some blogging goals for 2018!!

  5. I’m the same and I’m literally so organised! There’s something about being organised that I find therapeutic! These are really great tips!! I find carrying a notebook everywhere to be a real lifesaver 😊 I also like to keep a huge list with any ideas i come up with for blog posts!

  6. Thank you for these tips: I’m usually a pretty organised person too but sometimes struggle to come up with ideas so thank you for these tips 💙

  7. I’m usually a pretty organised person but I’ve been struggling with my motivation and getting my posts done recently. I’ll definitely come up with some blogging new years resolutions to try and help! Thanks for the great tips x

  8. We’re so alike! I break all of the folders on my computer down like you. In photos, I have 2017 – a year in pictures, 2016 – a year in pictures etc. In my blogging folder, I have invoices, product reviews, book reviews etc. It makes me feel like I’m on top of everything when I look at my computer files! Haha. I’m a definite Type A person, and I love scheduling content in advance, planning content in advance, and keeping track of everything with a cute diary.

  9. Great tips! I am going to try to work on thinking ahead for idea’s. I have always been organized but I don’t really schedule things out in advanced, I’m more of a go with the flow 🙂 . I will takes these tips with me into 2018.

  10. I already do a few of these (mainly working at least a few weeks in advance, and trying to read other blogs ) but I’ve just done the folder thing on my tablet (I do almost all my posts from here, my laptop annoys me because it’s too slow and I’m awful at typing!). I’m always told I’m really organised, but I never actually feel it so I may as well improve and earn my label 😜. (Though I am brainstormed almost fully for the next two months, and bizarrely, next blogmas) I love these sorts of posts!
    Amy xx

  11. There are some good tips here! But for me, the hardest thing is dedicating the time to sit down and write blog posts!

  12. I to have to be organised. In fact I think I am very organised… but I’m also a procrastinator. Which means I have a lovely colour coordinated blog planner… but I rarely get around to writing the actual posts, oops!

    And that last point is so important, if it’s not fun why do it!

    Hannah @ The Northern Writes | http://www.thenorthernwrites.co.uk

  13. This is so helpful Jenny! My one real aim for 2018 is to get much more serious with my blog, actually work hard with it and create much more consistent content so these tips are absolute lifesavers. I find you massively inspiring as you are always absolutely killing it with blogging, so next year I hope to be a little more Type A like you!
    Beth x

  14. writing posts in advance and planning a month ahead is something I just started recently, and it has helped so much in terms of knowing exactly what I should be focusing on for the month. overall, great post! will definitely be using some of these tips in the new year! <3

  15. Absolutely agree on number 8! During the last couple of months, I have lacked inspiration for my own blog posts, but I still remain an active member of the blogging community through reading, liking and commenting other people’s posts just because they really help me to break the silence and start writing again from time to time. So, if somebody feels like their blogging hiatus is unacceptably long, go and see what the fellow bloggers are up to!

  16. This is great stuff.

    I too am organized and can get stuff done, and I’ve reblogged this at http://campbellsworld.wordpress.com

    I’m aggressive in my work, get frustrated when others spend half their day and mine hunting things they need to send me for the work I’m doing for them, and have to sit on my hands to keep from typing, “Why the heck don’t you get it together?”

    Like you say, not everyone is like this.

  17. Your an inspiration! I try to stay organized but I kind of half ass on this end and I don’t know why because when I stick to a schedule I am so much more productive. I’m pinning this post as a reminder for me to straighten out my life in the new year, hah.

  18. Hi Jenny! These tips are awesome – I’m just getting off work and Friday afternoons is when I plan out what I want to get done on my weekend – I definitely going to incorporate some of your tips into my planning! Keep up the useful content!!
    I saw you also read other blogs – check out my collection at http://www.blog.becausegirls.com
    I found you through bloggertribe on Twitter! Love the community

  19. I use Voice Notes on my cell a lot so if ideas for my blog hit while driving or at work, I can use them later!

  20. Some amazing tips! There are a few points mentioned by you that I do like brainstorming ideas for posts, making notes in my notebook, I read blogs and comment regularly but there are so many others I need to do like scheduling posts, using social media to its maximum. 🙂 Loved reading.

  21. Nothing I love more than being organised so this post is amazing ! I have already made a resolution with myself to get organised properly after new year – my blog is less than two months old so kinda been winging it a bit so planning is a must! Great post hun thanks

  22. Very helpful tips Jenny! I lie this post. I try to
    Plan some of my posts ahead but hopefully I’ll get better at it next year now that I’ve got a taste of the blogging world and as I better understand things about blogging. And I agree support is keep, it’s always nice to help others along their journey.

    xx Lena

  23. This was super helpful, and I will deffo be using some of these tips 😌 I’m very organised in day to day life but not so much with my blog. I would definitely like to become a more organised blogger in 2018 xx

  24. I agree so much with this. I have to write down everything I go and the post I want to do. I usually leave 2 days free for book tags if I get any new ones in and this doesn’t mess up my schedule. I am so busy most of the time I don’t have time to sit write a post, read, write reviews and chase after a 2 year old. I would be crazy without my schedule. Wonderful post.

  25. So many helpful ideas here Jenny! 💕 Brainstorming is a great one to get all your thoughts on paper. I agree that reading blogs can be so inspirational and great for blogging motivation too! Thank you for sharing! ❤️ xx

    Bexa | http://www.hellobexa.com

  26. Some great tips here Jenny. I’m the least organised person ever, definately need to get myself a notebook 💕💕

  27. I’m definitely adopting some of these tips. Wiping a laptop clean sounds amazing although I can only partially do it as the university doesn’t refresh for me in January haha. Also, i really struggle with scheduling in advance, sometimes I’m super good but recently its been a huge downfall of mine x

  28. As a massive fan of organisation I LOVE this post! I’m at University right now and my second year is proving to be very time consuming, so I have taken to planning and scheduling as many posts as I can in my free time (Honestly, sometimes seeing your tweets about how organised and on top of your blog you are really help me keep motivated). I do a lot of these already, but I’m gonna bookmark these to see if there’s any more I can do in the new year! I’ve never thought of wiping my laptop and starting again because I have massive dependency issues but I may have to give that a go!
    Jas xx

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment! 😘😘😘 I’m talking about like anything on your laptop you have saved that you’re never going to need again, like a graphic for a post you did in March type thing! There’s usually so much stuff you’ve forgotten about already so what’s the point of it being on there!

  29. I really want to try and start scheduling in advance next year, I just need to get my motivation in order. I don’t think blogger has an equivalent to publicize, I really wish I’d just started on WordPress!

  30. This is such a great and useful list, I loved it! Also, I never #9 was a thing somehow and now I’m so excited to use that! Thank you for a fantastic post.

  31. I love getting organised with multiple folders on my laptop. I’ll be throwing all of this year’s posts into a 2017 folder and starting fresh for 2018!

    Claudia xo

  32. There are some great tips here, Jenny. I’m going to be swapping to a new laptop over Christmas because the one I’m using grinds so s.l.o.w.l.y, honestly, I can get things read/done faster on my phone! I love the idea of putting a load of stuff on a drive and not copying it over, that makes such good sense. WordPress self hosting doesn’t have a publicize option but I think there will probably be a plugin that does something similar so I’ll look into that. I’m in awe of how far ahead you brainstorm and schedule, I’m never going to be that organised, but I’m going to try for a couple of weeks ahead! X

    Lisa | http://www.lisasnotebook.com

  33. Love this! Definitely some amazing and very helpful tips here. I’ve always been told I’m very organised but sometimes I don’t think that of myself. I definitely agree with the folders of folders, like you I have a blogging folder that has loads of different folders. I know where everything is and I can find it easily. Also, I’m a very listy person, this helps me a lot! I set myself goals for each day and it helps me a lot.

    Gemma | http://www.anoceanglimmer.wordpress.com

  34. Such simple yet effective tips! I found that organising my laptop in particular has been super helpful because disorganised files make me feel mentally cluttered and unproductive. Well done for being so on top of your blogging game, you should be so pleased with yourself!

  35. This is so handy as I really need to be more organised next year to reduce the stress levels I’ve been suffering this year. I’ve also been really slacking on reading and commenting on other people’s blogs (especially towards the end of the year) so hopefully I can work on that!

  36. Im generally a very organised person with my life and Im very much the same, I like plans and I like to stick to them. For some reason, I just havent found the right plan for my blog that Ive managed to routinely stick to. I had no idea about Publicize which sounds like a great tool!

    Sarah | http://www.sazsinclair.com xx

  37. Being organised is my favourite thing too, I literally thrive off scheduling and planning! One of my goals next year is to get serious about blogging, and I’ve actually made a spreadsheet on my Mac of all my blog post ideas, and what to schedule when, and whether or not I’ve written it yet! Might sound a bit lame but it keeps me super motivated and organised!

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