Sometimes I go through huge blogging inspiration slumps sometimes where I literally wouldn’t be able to think of an idea for a post if my actual life depended on it. I think we all go through these phases, for a bunch of different reasons and it’s totally normal. Annoying. But normal. So today I want to share some advice on how to think of blog post ideas.

How To Think of Blog Post Ideas

Photo by Uby Yanes on Unsplash

After doing this gig for over 7 years, I’ve built up some pretty solid strategies for when I’m feeling low creatively. We can’t all be creative 24/7 (I mean how hectic would that be?) but when you rely on your blog for any sort of income, you sorta have to be blogging consistently and it’s a real nuisance when you’re stuck for ideas.

But there’s always something you can do to stay creative and boost that inspiration and that’s what I want to share with you today. You don’t have to be stuck in this creative rut forever! Remember, don’t beat yourself up about it either. That never helps!

How to think of blog post ideas in 7 easy and practical steps:

How To Think of Blog Post Ideas in 7 Ways

Stop thinking about it: Can seem counter-productive, I know but honestly, if you’re thinking too much about what to write about and still can’t think of anything then stop bloody thinking about it! Do something else. Literally anything and don’t force ideas. They’ll come.

Reflect over your old posts and see what you can expand on: Go back to the posts that did really well or the ones that you really enjoyed writing and re-read them. You may have touched on a subject briefly in these posts which could translate nicely into a post by itself.

Look for ideas: It’s fine to actively seek ideas out from other people. That’s what all those blog post ideas posts are for after all! I have a few which I’ve created in the past which are linked below and you’re welcome to take any ideas from those if you’re struggling!

Read other blogs: I literally don’t know how some bloggers survive without reading other blogs. Discover some new blogs that you enjoy reading and inspiration might strike. As long as you don’t copy their posts (Google: plagiarism) then it’s all gravy baby.

Note ideas down – however strange they sound: Keep a notebook with you at all times or make the notes section of your phone accessible to you. I find inspiration can strike at the strangest of times so if you get any sparks, note them down. Even if they don’t make sense at the time.

Step out of your comfort zone: If you’re really struggling for ideas but are going round and round and round the same topics and getting nowhere – try expanding your horizons to something entirely different which may seem alien to you. Switch up the way you talk about something or try a totally different topic altogether!

Really pay attention to what you’re reading / watching / listening to: I find inspiration from books and TV / films all the time. From one character talking about one little thing, could spark off a whole load of post ideas. So next time you’re watching a film or a show on Netflix, be mindful that you can pinch inspiration from that too!

How To Think of Blog Post Ideas

There we are! How to think of blog post ideas in 7 easy steps. Do you have anything to add? Let me know!


  1. I have a spider diagram in my bullet journal which I try and use to come up with ideas and extra ideas from those ideas. currently it’s blogmas that I’m struggling with, there are only so many christmassy ideas I can see to think off.


  2. Thanks for the tips. Whenever I have an idea for a blog post I’ll put some general notes I the WordPress app and save it as a draft – Some of them I come back to and others stay as drafts until I trash them.

  3. I’m having a bit of a blogger’s block at the moment and this is just what I needed! Will definitely keep them in mind 🙂

  4. These tips are great! Theres nothing worse than feeling uninspired to write! I particularly agree with reading other bloggers, who are always such a great source of inspiration! I also use pinterest and articles (magazine etc) in general for inspiration! Thanks for sharing!

  5. I was sat here nodding all the way through this. I definitely need to work on not thinking about it when I’m stuck though. You’re totally right. Inspiration will always come. Usually as I’m about to go to bed but still, better than nothing 😂. You had me chuckling at (Google: plagiarism) x


    1. That’s a great idea and actually something I’ve been thinking a bit about! Even if it means scheduling a month, 3 months, 6 months ahead — its great to have relevant and relatable content for everyone at certain times of year (: xxx

  6. This is super helpful, thank you Jenny! I’m hoping to post more often/consistently this year but I definitely go through periods of struggling to think of something to write about, so I’m bookmarking this page for inspiration in the future!
    Beth x

  7. What an amazing post! I’m glad that you pointed out how not thinking about posts can help ideas come along – hence why I always brim with ideas whenever I don’t have time to blog :’) Happy new year xox

  8. Great tips, Jenny. My shopping list book is FULL of blog post ideas, haha, I’m feeling so inspired this year but my problem is finding time to write, sadly. And I completely agree with you about getting inspo from other bloggers’ posts – you’ve definitely inspired some of mine! X

    Lisa |

  9. I LOVE these, Jenny! The more you think about it, the more your brain will go totally against you, so it’s important to chill and just take note when the ideas come rushing in. And YES to reading blogs! They’re entertaining AND inspire so many new ideas. <3

    – Aimee

  10. I’m not that creative a person generally – hence why my blog’s full of reviews and guest posts!

  11. Great advice! One of my new year’s resolutions is to go on WordPress and read other people’s blogs instead of mindlessly scrolling through Facebook all the time. Of course, as you mentioned, you can’t copy other people’s posts, but it sure does get your brain in the right mindset when you’re reading what other people are doing.

  12. I have a OneNote that I jot down my ideas when they hit. It’s “in the cloud” so I can get to it from whatever device I’m on. I have a mile-long list of topics that “move” me. …I just need to find the time to write!

    I enjoy reading your posts! I’m looking forward to more!

  13. This was such a useful blog post, especially for this time of year! I’ve been away from the bloggersphere for the last couple of months because of my mental health, but I’m slowly working towards revamping my blog so I can start posting on there again. I’m definitely going to be taking note of this blog post so I can come back to it in future if I’m struggling for ideas again! Thanks for writing it.

  14. I sometimes just stare at my notepad for ages looking for inspiration – too many reviews to organise, but other posts leave me slumped sometimes! This is a great post, thank you!

    1. As for reviews, could you not start writing them as you finish the book? Time allowing, obviously. I literally couldn’t have my reviews piled up cos I’d completely forget what to say specifically for each book 🤣 xxx

      1. Yeah, that’s what I do otherwise I’m a nightmare. I just have so many that I want to review, it’s figuring out what to do when!

  15. One of my resolutions was to blog more regularly, and I already feel like I’m in the middle of a slump! So I’ll definitely be taking this advice on board, thanks 🙂

  16. Thanks for the tips! I’m eager to get going again this year and I want to be more personal. Hopefully I’ll have the courage to step out of my comfort zone.

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