We couldn’t believe that 2017 had been and gone and here we are already, at the end of January. Can you Adam and Eve it? I really do hope that you have had a positive start to the New Year, made some positive changes, done some fun things and are enthusiastic for the rest of the year ahead. I love January – even the cold weather, if you know me at all you’ll already know that I adore the cold! I love stepping into a New Year with the “anything can happen, it’s a brand new start” mindset and although that’s totally cliché and you certainly don’t need a new year in order to make changes in your life, for me, it helps and I always feel inspired and positive at this time of the year. So… Let’s see how well I put that into practice and how I did with my January goals!

1. Read 4 books: Done, done and done! I read some amazing books in January and was really on it with my reading. You can find a more detailed post of all the books I read this month, here. Or you can add me as a friend on Goodreads and see all the books I read on there too!

2. Donate some money to an animal charity: Done! Although I didn’t think this one through an awful lot and completely forgot I need to knuckle down with my savings as I have a lot of money coming out for various things this month, I still managed to donate £10 to Battersea Dogs and Cats Home.

3. Eat a vegetarian diet 2 days a week for the month (or 8 days overall): I quickly realised at about 2 and a half weeks into the month that the way I’ve gone about this goal was not working for me. As someone who’s experience a lot of disordered eating in the past, the fact I was so consciously limiting myself felt really unnatural and difficult for me. I still managed a fair few meat free days but in future, no food-limiting goals for me. I still enjoy vegetarian food, I still prefer it over a meat-based meal a fair amount of the time and I still want to continue to cut it out. But just in a less restrictive and strict way.

I don’t feel at all guilty about essentially scrapping this goal half-way through because I know I’ve learnt something from it, something which will benefit me throughout the rest of the year. No guilt here, folks!

4. Blog every day in January: So actually, by mid-November, I tweaked this goal slightly to “blog every week day in January” cos I figured it’s not strictly necessary for me to post every day and I will inevitably want some down time. I just didn’t change it on my original ‘goals‘ post at the beginning of the month because I’m lazy. But I did complete my “blog every week day” goal.

5. Save a certain amount of money: I actually hit my original target for this on 1st December so it’s safe to say I completed this one!

6. Hit 8.3k on Twitter: I hit this goal on Christmas Day in fact (an added little Christmas present, yay!) so although again it was achieved before January, I can safely tick this one of the list.

7. Sort out my YouTube: Oh gosh… This didn’t really work. Although I managed to get through some of my ‘watch later’, over 200 videos just wasn’t doable as I don’t have the time!

8. Go for a massage: Smashed it! Just 3 days into the year and I treated myself to a well needed massage which was absolutely glorious.

All in all, not a bad month goals wise for me! I’m proud of the things I did manage to achieve and don’t feel guilty about the few I didn’t. How did you do with any goals you set yourself this January? I’d love to hear about anything you’ve achieved as a positive way to end the month!


  1. You did really well! Well done. Never feel guilty about changing, or even scrapping, a goal at any point. If it’s not working for you then forcing yourself to it is not the way.

  2. You’ve done so well with your goals, well done Jenny! I also think it’s really mature and sensible to have taken a proper look at the veggie-diet goal and worked out if it works for you. Absolutely no shame in putting yourself and your health first. You’ve smashed it!
    Beth x

  3. I never had any doubt you’d smash all of your goals! Your book reviews have been some of my fave posts this month! Well done girl! Keep smashing!!

  4. I found going vegetarian so hard to start with, it’s taken me years on and off. You’ve got to do what’s right for you and there’s no shame in that!
    I bought some books to help me with my resolutions, which is a start and I’ve definitely been doing really well with my blogging and reading goals! I’m being pretty chilled about my goals this year haha. Xx

  5. Yay, congratulations on your achievements, really well done you! I managed two and a half books so some way behind you 🙂 And I think you’re absolutely right not to be hard on yourself for stopping with something that wasn’t working for you (vegetarian meals). We all need to be kind to ourselves and remember that one size doesn’t fit all. Lastly, congrats on blogging every week day, I’ve really enjoyed your posts even if I haven’t managed to read and comment on every single one! xx

    Lisa | http://www.lisasnotebook.com

  6. I didn’t try a vegan diet, but I did go step by step and started off with a pescatarian diet, where i cut our all meat except for seafood. I planned to go vegan in time if this was successful but unfortuantely I only lasted a week and a half before going back to my normal diet. Mostly because in my family and my culture we eat a lot of meat so it was hard to avoid. But like you I would still choose a non-meat dish over a meat dish anyday 🙂 Loved the blog post by the way

  7. Yaaay congrats on being able to achieve most of your goals! I’m incorporating more of a veggie lifestyle in my diet too but doing veggie lunches, and so far so good, but it can be a bit restricting! I need to experiment more…

    I didn’t complete any of my goals in January which is really upsetting… Hopefully February will be better for me!

  8. Well done on reaching your goals, is ur plan to have goals every month or was it a new year thing? I set a goal of reading every day for an hour, it hasn’t worked out this month as I’ve been working a lot more but hoping for a quieter Feb and hoping to do this goal.

  9. honestly, i am SO PROUD OF YOU for knowing what didn’t feel too right in your soul for number 3. limiting yourself may not be the answer, dear friend. as someone in recovery from anorexia, i always now say that the larger amount of foods we allow ourselves, the larger our lives will be. 💙💙 sending you all the love!!!! i love reading your words!!!!

    1. Thank you so much I’m so glad you can understand my reasoning behind that – I was worried some people wouldn’t. Well, no doubt some people don’t but we all have to do what’s right for us 💚💚💚

  10. Great accomplishments. I’m behind on my reading and just about everything! Intending on joining a gym soon to get fit. Have a new blog collaboration with some author friends The Sisters of The Fey that I’ve written my first blog post for about the magnificent Bloodstone crystal featured in my book.

  11. I’m happily content with where I’m at with my goals for January. Way to go on meeting most of yours!

  12. Well done with the goal achieving! 🙂 I’ve been loving January so far! Can’t wait to see what the rest of the year brings. x

  13. well done Jenny. I only got one book read it was boring and I stuck with it. I have started another one much better. I have been a vegan since ’92 so I was really routing for you on the #3 goal. Perhaps so day you will give it ago again for reasons other than food restriction. I love to eat and I am a great vegan cook, that helps.
    Keep saving and great job on the twitter count. Wow impressive. Keep up the great blogging Cheers

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