Working with brands has become a huge part of being a blogger. Brands are recognizing that bloggers have a lot of authority and power over sales and marketing and a shining review from a blogger can go an awful long way. I’m not ashamed to say that working with some kick-ass brands is one of my favourite aspects of blogging. Don’t get me wrong, there are an incredible amount of things I love about being a blogger from having a creative outlet, to discovering other amazing bloggers to even doing my self assessment tax return at the end of each year brings me some form of weird pleasure. But working with brands is definitely up there among my favourite elements of blogging – probably because it’s something I never envisioned ever doing or ever getting to the point of being able to do. 

However thankfully, I did get there and I am doing it and it’s taken a lot of years of hard work, a lot of adaption and a lot of hustling in this absolutely buzzing industry but I made it eventually. I’ve learnt so much along the way when it comes to working with brands and I’m still learning, almost daily. I’m a bit of a Hermione Granger at heart so I’m always up for learning more about something I love and enjoy!

I’m also more than happy to share what I’ve learnt with my readers and other bloggers because at the end of the day, we all started somewhere and it’s incredibly difficult to learn anything about a certain industry if no one is willing to share the information with you. Which I think is BS (seriously stop being cagey about where and how you get your brand work, it’s not MI5).

So here are some things which I’ve found useful when it comes to working with brands. Things that make it easier for the brand and things that make you more attractive to brands watching to potentially work with you! (And when I say attractive, I don’t mean your physical appearance – you’re all goddamn beautiful – I mean your only presence)

Have an email address in your Twitter bio

I’m not a PR but this is the main thing I always see them say is really helpful. And PR’s know what they’re looking for at the end of the day! If you’re serious about blogging and working with brands, brands want you to be easily accessible. So having your email in your Twitter bio is a really obvious place to start.

Have a clear email address and contact form on your blog

Similarly to the above, if they find your blog before your social media pages and decide they want to work with you from there, they still need a means of contacting you. If a brand / PR can’t find an email address on your blog or a clear contact form then it’s unlikely they’re going to scour the internet to get in touch with you. I’ve also heard that they prefer to use an email address over a contact form so whilst a contact form is a useful thing to have, a clear email address is necessary for brand work.

Keep it consistent over social media platforms

This helps you build up your brand image and certainly makes you look professional. It’s likely you’ll be keeping a roughly similar style over your social media platforms anyway for example, if you love pastel shades then it’s unlikely one of your platforms is going to be neon green but you get my gist!

Maintain your username / display name over social media platforms

Another really important way to make yourself stand out and look more professional is by ensuring that you keep your blog name / display name the same over your platforms. Unfortunately, when I created Twitter, I didn’t use my blog name as my handle but I have “Jenny in Neverland” as my display name, so people know it’s me. My Pinterest handle is “jeninneverland” and Instagram and Facebook are both “Jennyinneverland” as well.

Stay away from Twitter drama

Ugh. Twitter drama. I’ve sure seen enough of it this week! I don’t know about you but if I was a PR looking for bloggers to work with, I’d definitely be put off by someone slagging people off on Twitter, getting into arguments and generally just having a bad reputation. If you can (and you can!) try and stay out of the Twitter drama!

Have a media kit

Media kits are great because they’re basically a CV for bloggers with all your credentials in one easy to access place. Some brands might request to see your media kit, others might not but it’s always worth having one just in case. They look great and they look professional. I’m definitely no graphic designer so I wouldn’t know where to start with making my own media kit but there’s plenty of very talented bloggers who make them on Twitter!

These are all super easy things you can do to polish your brand and make your online presence a little more attractive to potential brands! If you have anything else to add to this list, I’d love to hear it!


  1. […] via 6 ways to make yourself more attractive to brands — […]

      1. Fantastic advice! I will add my email on my Twitter and Instagram now 😊

    1. Having it in your bio is definitely recommended as some PR’s won’t look through your tweets and it might not be obvious, depending on what platform they’re using to look at Twitter of course 🙂

  2. Great tips Jenny, thanks for sharing them with us!
    I need to get started on a media kit but always think my stats are a bit crap to feature on one haha!

    Liv x

  3. I love how helpful you are. I always use these posts as little checklists to see how well I’m doing and I think I pass the test. It took me forever to finally make a media kit! Having two instagram accounts obviously means I can’t keep the usernames the same for everything, but I think that’s my only ‘fail’ on this list. You’ve reminded me how much I hate the fact all the ‘glowsteady’ usernames were taken, but I’ll have to get over that…(again) x


  4. Thanks for these tips. I have the same username across all my blogger platforms. That is a good tip.

  5. I really enjoyed this, thank you for posting!
    I love the tips on emails on my social media and on my blog so have already done that on my own.
    I’m also going to look into setting up a media kit, any tips on getting one of these together?

    1. You can pay someone to make you one if you’re stuck – if you look / ask around on Twitter there are plenty of bloggers which make them! But Canva is a good website to use to make them yourself 🙂

  6. Hey jenny,

    I love your honest and to the point style of writing I always take something g way when I read one of your posts!

    Can I ask what a media kit is? It sounds interesting!! Great tip about the email address in the twitter bio too!!

    Do you ever approach brands or only wait for them to approach you?


    1. Thanks so much 🙂 A media kit is a blogger CV basically, it should include things like your current stats, your socials, a short paragraph about you / your blog, a photo of you / your blog banner, brands you’ve previously worked with – things like that! I do both – sometimes brands / PR’s will contact me or sometimes I’ll reply or apply to things I see on Twitter / Facebook or though platforms I’m signed up for.

  7. This is an incredible post! I’ve never worked with a brands before and have no idea how to go about it, but definitely going to implement some of these tips – so simple but hopefully really effective. Any tips on where to even start with a media kit – I don’t even know what is in one, aha! Thank you so much!

    1. You can pay someone to make one for you – there’s plenty of fab bloggers which make them for relatively cheap. But Canva is a good website to use if you wanna give it a crack yourself 🙂

  8. Some great advice! Thanks – will Definately be tagging this for later when I’ve built on my blog a bit first after a year break!

  9. I keep hearing about media kits, but I honestly have no idea what they are or what goes into one. Something to research, I suppose – even though I don’t really work with brands or do the affiliate thing much on my blog….

    1. It’s basically a blogger “CV”. It should contain things like your current stats, your socials, a paragraph about you / your blog, brands you’ve worked with if any, a photo or two.

  10. Thank you for sharing another helpful post with great tips Jenny! Having a visible e-mail address is such a good point, there are so many of us bloggers, I doubt a brand / PR will stick around for long searching for a way to contact us if it’s not immediately obvious. Your post has reminded me I need to update my media kit too! Thanks again for sharing your suggestions, they are always so useful <3 xx

    Bexa |

  11. Great post! So much useful information, I’d love to be able to work with brands in the future. It really is lovely how you are so open and want to help everyone in the blogging community with all these helpful tips! When I see drama on Twitter, I think why?! It seems so petty majority of the time! It looks so bad, and I’m surprised they don’t think what brands and other people could think when they see it. I haven’t created a Media kit for myself yet – definitely want to look into creating one 😀 thanks for sharing so many helpful tips!


  12. Love this! I hadn’t really thought about prepping a media kit but that’s a great idea! Thank you!

  13. I’m happy to know I am doing all those! The amount of bloggers I see getting involved in Twitter drama shocks me sometimes. Their behaviour would totally put me off working with then if I were a PR!

  14. This is super interesting Jenny ad mainly things I wouldn’t have even thought about. Never thought about getting a media kit and if I’m 100% honest I don’t really know what one is. I’m so happy for you that you’re getting to work with awesome brands and are achieving such cool stuff! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and tips!
    Alex x

  15. Yes to all of these! This is so helpful. I totally agree show your email address! It’s such a simple thing but if a PR can’t find it, it’s going to put them off and they won’t spend ages searching for another way to contact you. Also I think it’s so important to get away from any blogging drama, whenever I see something going off on Twitter, I just stay out of it and don’t let myself get involved. The way I see it is that if I was a PR, it would instantly put me off a blogger if they were openly arguing with others online xx

    Tiffany x

  16. Yet another super helpful post, Jenny! One of the (many) things I love about you is how open and helpful you are. You’re right, this kind of thing shouldn’t be so secret, we should be supporting each other. I guess it’s a little bit like salaries and fees but, still, helping each other can only make for a better blogosphere. I recently put my email address into all my social media bios and I’ve noticed a difference already. And yes for consistent usernames too, that’s a great tip. Thank you for continuing to share this kind of advice! xx

    Lisa |

  17. You had me at “it’s not MI5”. 😀 I’ve at no stage to start pitching to brands but these are some great informative tips. Thanks for the motivation. <3

  18. Great post. I have the Twitter handle issue – also I MUST sort my email. I was going to call the blog Isle of Gramarye – after a phrase from a poem – and when I opted for bookmurmuration I kind of kept the old email.

  19. I really enjoyed this post! It’s so refreshing to find a blogger who is willing to share these tips with you rather than keeping them close to their chest. Thank you for all the tips, I’ve implemented them immediately!

    1. The twitter handle thing really annoys me BUT I don’t think jennyinneverland would fit? If i remember correctly!

      You can make them yourself on canva, I’d suggest including things like your stats, a short paragraph about you and your blog, your social handles, brands you’ve worked with before. A photo of you / your blog banner.

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