Have you ever wondered what your skin tone is? Your skin tone makes a difference in the face makeup you choose, your beauty skin care routine, and your overall look. We know that skin tone is an important aspect of your overall look, so we’ve outlined exactly how to determine skin tone in this article. Continue reading to learn how to flatter your complexion by understanding your skin undertones.

Photo by Roberto Delgado Webb on Unsplash

Why Should I Know My Skin Tone?

Before we dive into the process of discovering your skin tone, let’s cover why you need to know about skin tone in the first place.

No two people are alike. We’re all different in countless ways, from how we look to how we talk and everything in between. Skin tone is a part of that; your skin tone is unique, and understanding it will help you create a style that’s flattering for you.

Specifically, knowing your skin tone will help you with:

  • Selecting the perfect shade of foundation

Applying makeup that looks completely natural is a major goal for most women. We don’t want it to be obvious that we’re wearing foundation. Knowing your skin tone enables you to find a foundation that blends in seamlessly with your natural complexion.

  • Picking the perfect lipstick color

Similarly to foundation, your skin undertone determines how flattering a lipstick color is. Some women look best in muted pink shades, while others can pull off a bright red. Once you understand your skin tone, you can opt for a lipstick that perfectly compliments your complexion.

  • Creating a wardrobe that compliments your look

The color of the clothes that we wear can either flatter or clash with our skin tones. So, it’s important to understand your skin tone so that you can select garments that make you glow.

How To Determine Skin Tone: Three Methods

So, how can I find my skin tone? There are multiple methods to try as you work to determine your unique skin undertone. Here are our three favorites:

  • One method for determining skin tone is checking the color of your capillaries. Capillaries are small blood vessels that transport oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. If you have clearly visible capillaries, you’ll have red skin undertones and a warm complexion.

  • The second method for determining skin tone is using jewelry as a point of comparison. Try wearing silver jewelry, then wearing gold jewelry, and comparing how each option looks against your skin. If gold jewelry is more flattering, you have a warm skin tone. If silver jewelry is more flattering, you have a cool skin tone.

  • The last method for finding your skin tone is to use a pure white scarf. Put the scarf against your skin and compare the coloring. If pure white looks better against your skin than a creamy white or ivory tone, then you have a cool skin tone.

How To Incorporate Skin Tone Into Your Makeup Routine

Now that you know your skin tone, you can use it to improve your beauty skin care routine. Here are our best makeup tips for flattering your skin tone:

Warm Skin Tone

If you have a warm skin tone, warm colors will make your complexion look radiant. We recommend oranges, reds, rusts, maroons, and similar tones when it comes to makeup. As you search for face makeup like foundation, find rich, warm tones with a hint of orange. These colors will closely match your skin undertones.

Cool Skin Tone

On the flip side, if you have a cool skin tone, makeup colors with a hint of blue will flatter your complexion. As for foundation, look for pale colors free of any bronze or orange tones. When you shop for lipstick, you’ll find that rose red and wine red will make your lips pop against the cool color of your face.

People with cool skin tones can majorly benefit from extra color in the hair. We recommend quick, easy hair dye solutions like instant color hair wax to make a statement for special occasions.

Your skin tone may seem like a small detail, but it makes a huge impact on your overall look. Now that you know and understand your skin tone, you can make impeccable beauty choices for a wholly individual look.

Are you aware of your exact skin tone and undertones? Do you struggle finding make up which matches?

* This is a sponsored post


  1. I’ve learned so much from this post – I genuinely didn’t know there were ways to work it out properly rather than just guessing! Thanks for sharing 😊

  2. All I know is that my tone is pale haha! I’ll have to give the white scarf trick a go to find out what colour makeup I should be wearing to suit me best. Becca x

  3. I never knew skin tone had an effect on what colors looked best. I always used my eye and hair color. I wish knew this a long time ago. It would have helped me add more colors to more wardrobe

  4. I have a hard time telling whether my skin is warm or cool toned, some say that means it’s neutral.

    Some of my visible capillaries are green and some are blue. It’s kind of odd.

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