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I really enjoy creating helpful blog content. Especially content that I know will be beneficial for new bloggers. The reason for this is because it took me YEARS to get anywhere significant with my blog because I feel like back in 2013 when I first started, blogging tips and tricks for beginners weren’t as readily available as they are now.

blogging tips and tricks

Because we were all new once and I want to provide the information a new bloggers needs that I didn’t have when I started blogging 7 years ago now. Seriously, it took me about 3 years to learn half of what I needed to know in order to grow a successful blog!

Recommended Resource: A Beginners Guide To Blogging

There’s so much helpful advice out there now and blogging tips and tricks for beginners but in this post I want to focus more on the things you might not have thought about. I have plenty of blog posts containing practical advice for new bloggers but here we’ll be focusing more on the mental side of running a blog.

So here are some blogging tips and tricks for beginners I wish all new bloggers knew!

blogging tips and tricks

Stop getting upset when someone unfollows you…

We all want followers and want to grow our blog following, I know. But getting upset every time you lose a follower really is unnecessary. There’s a ton of reasons someone might unfollow you. They’re not online anymore, Twitter are clearing out their inactive / bot accounts or perhaps someone just doesn’t enjoy your content anymore. And so what? They’re not your people. Move on.

…and definitely stop moping about unfollows / lack of views etc. on social media

Even worse is when you take it to Twitter and mope about things rather than doing something about them. Your views aren’t as high this month? Okay, let’s figure out why and learn from it. Let’s not take to Twitter and start crying about it. Sorry but someone moaning about their lack of views definitely DOESN’T make me wanna give you a view.

Recommended Resources: 

Related Reads:

Be extra careful when it comes to brand collaborations

When you’re a newer blogger, all types of collaborations can sound hella exciting. I know, I’ve been there. And you’ll tend to agree to everything without giving much thought as to what’s being asked of you or what’s being offered to you.

Related Read: Working With Brands As a New Blogger – Things To Look Out For

If you lose your passion, take a step back

Passion ALWAYS shows. So if passion shows, then a lack of passion shows just as much. Whether you started your blog as a hobby or with the aim of taking it full-time one day, always keep your passion in check. If you ever find yourself resenting it or you feel like writing blog content has turned into a chore, step it back, honey. Re-think. Re-charge. And think about what you really want.

Recommended resource: Blogging Mindset Mastery eCourse

Blogging Tips and Tricks

Blogging tips and tricks for beginners:

Don’t be like everyone else

I’m never one to say that the blogging industry is over-saturated. I believe there’s a place for everyone here, who can provide a unique insight into their niche of choice. But, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think the blogging industry has a LOT going on and a LOT of people all fighting for a place in the spotlight. I urge you, as a new blogger, not to create a carbon copy of what everyone else is doing. Nobody wants or needs to see the came content 17x over.

Related Reads:

You don’t need to burn yourself out to create a successful blog

I see this so much on Twitter and it makes me want to scream. People almost boasting at the fact that they’ve stayed up until 3am, not slept or eaten and are just sOoOo busy. I mean. Stop it. It’s not necessary. And it’s not healthy. As as a new blogger, you really don’t need to be swept into the idea that you have to be working on your blog 24 hours a day in order for it to become a success. Have a bath and a cuppa hun, chill.

Blogging Tips and Tricks

What blogging tips and tricks for beginners would you suggest?


  1. Hi! New to blogging and wondering if you have any tips as to get people to notice my blog? ovided Love this post, it provided really great advice!

    1. I have loads of different posts that you’ll find helpful, if you check out my blogging advice category. I’d also recommend checking out my eBook, A Beginners Guide On Growing Your Blog Following (link in navigation) – I share how I gained 5,000 followers in 18 months!

  2. my advice would to be brave and show the world who you are. Hi there.I am going around the neighborhood introducing myself. My name is Marc. My blog contains excerpts from my book The Driveway Rules. It contains memoirs about growing up with undiagnosed autism. I hope you stop by.

  3. Any new blogger on Word Press should start by building a workable website on Word Press. Take their Introductory Online courses they offer for sure.

  4. I would add, do not compare yourself to anyone. Sure it’s great to have an idea of what people are doing, and it can be inspiring. However it can be demoralising in equal measure.

    You have to find you’re own path and it takes time. Try not to be disheartened by the incredible stats people publish and focus on doing what you do to the best of your ability.

    It’s also good to take what some bloggers say with a pinch of salt… not everything you read is true!

  5. This is great advice! I remember a few years ago my twitter feed was practically FULL of complaints about views etc. I think even seasoned bloggers can take something from this, especially about taking a step back and burnout! xx

  6. This is so interesting. I think about things like this quite a lot almost like a little check in with myself. Not sure about something? What would I tell someone else? What am I happy I do/ did at the start etc. You’ve mentioned some really great things here, especially getting over the followers thing – that one took me a while x


  7. I’m a relatively new blogger and I just wanna say thank you for this post. It has given me a lot of tips as well as encouragement.

  8. I’m not sure if I still count as a new blogger, having been blogging for 16 months now, but this advice is definitely still relevant to me – the last 3 points in particular!

  9. I always find info like this very useful, when you’re just starting out you definitely feel like you have no idea what you’re doing. This definitely provided some clarity. Positive influence can go a long way!

  10. I love this – especially the take a step back if the passion goes. I’ve had a few breaks over the years when it’s all just got a bit much, and each time it’s left me buzzing to get back to it. I think I’d tell myself that, at the end of the day, I’m doing it as a hobby and it doesn’t matter – if getting 3 book reviews a fortnight done is too much, then ease up on it! Actually, wait, I’m telling myself that now as well, aha! Great post!!

  11. I love this post so much. Thank you for your tips! Starting again with my blog in the latter half of 2019 was scary but I’ve learnt so much from my first time around. I know exactly the direction I want to process in and the brand I want to become. I’m less worried about the numbers (especially on Instagram) and more interested in creating quality content for my blog.

    You’re blog has been so helpful in my journey too which I’m incredibly grateful for.

    Kate |

  12. Great post! I agree with you about passion in anything you do in life…including blogging. If something is too much of a chore, then something is wrong. The great thing about blogging is that people share their ‘passions’. For some it is photography; for others, it might be travel. You catch a glimpse of the world from another person’s perspective and that is a wonderful thing. 🙂

  13. Excellent advice! I especially agree with not burning yourself out. Hustling ALL. DAY. LONG isn’t something to be proud of!

  14. You provided some really valuable tips here! We can get so fixated on numbers that sometimes we need to take a step back and realise that it’s better to have fewer followers who engage with your content than hundreds or thousands of people who don’t. I would also add the fact that it’s not necessary to invest in expensive equipment or courses before you start – as long as you have passion for it, you can take beautiful photographs on your phone and learn as you go!

    Dominika | Into the Bloom

  15. Great tips! I’m not a ‘new’ blogger but I’ve only really been blogging now and again. I want to really focus on my blog this year so this advice is really helpful. Thanks for posting!

  16. Great tips, every new blogger should read this!! The one about losing your passion really stood out to me, I definitely think that’s such an important aspect to consider. And you’re right, your audience can really tell when you’re passionate, and the same when you’re not!

  17. Could not agree more with all of the above! It’s crazy to think that I’ve been blogging since 2015 now but even still require advice and help! I definitely think you’re one of the best people at giving blogging advice Jenny! I love your style of writing 🙂 also congrats on those 10k followers of yours I saw over on twitter!

    Ashleigh –

    1. Awh thank you! Although I’ve been doing this 7 years and still need advice on things! I still buy ebooks and courses to help me learn things I’m still not sure of 🙂 You never stop learning! And thank you!

  18. These tips would have been so helpful to me when I started blogging, especially because accepting brand collaborations was something I wasn’t great at when I started blogging. I also tried to grow felt quickly and obviously it took me a lot longer to get there than I initially thought x

  19. This is a great list! I love that it has different advice than other posts I’ve seen (and done) about advice to new bloggers.

    I especially love not complaining about lack of views on social media.

  20. Thank you Jenny for the tips. I am new to blogging and I totally agree that we are all unique. The first thing that was hard for me to cope with was that it will take time. I always remind myself that Rome wasn’t build in a day.I will keep your tips in mind and come back for more.

  21. This is a well-being post in itself. We have to look out for our minds and souls when sharing them with others. Nothing is worth burning yourself out over, so I love your tips, which seem focused on dampening down the stress some people find comes with their blog. 🙂

  22. I wish I’d been better at saying “No” from the start, so my advice would be that you don’t have to accept every opportunity that comes your way! If you don’t feel the product is worth your time and effort, then just say no.

  23. I used to see a lot of people getting upset with unfollowers months ago, I never really personally get bothered when someone unfollows me (never know who it is as I don’t keep track with any follow tracker app) as it’s not really my business – like you said, maybe the person just doesn’t enjoy the content anymore and that’s okay!

    One thing I’ve definitely been is extra careful with brand collaborations – I recently had a brand reach out to me quite literally on new years day but something just didn’t sit well so I decided to turn the opportunity down. It’s so so important to see if the brand aligns with your blog before accepting a collaboration. Passion ALWAYS shows 100% – although maintaining a schedule is super important it’s also really important to put out content you’re happy + passionate about, not just content for the sake of posting.

    YES – shine bright on your own! You don’t have to follow what everyone’s doing, carve your own path and the readers who enjoy your content will come 🙂

    I think the main piece of advice I’d give to new bloggers is that you don’t need to have a niche, post about whatever makes you happy!


    1. Totally agree with everything you’ve said! Sometimes a niche can help but definitely at the beginning it’s important to just write about whatever you’re passionate about otherwise you’ll lose that passion pretty quick!

  24. Some really great advice here – I remember when I first started blogging I did get caught up in the whole following business etc which would often get me down. But now, years later I found that the content I produce is hugely improved since I stopped focusing on followers etc. And now I’m hoping to go self hosted this year too.

  25. Great advice! I hate seeing people constantly whining about how much they must suck because people unfollowed them… It’s the nature of social media. I guarantee you that the greatest, most successful bloggers out there are also being unfollowed for a variety of reasons!

  26. When I first started blogging a post like this would have been super helpful. These are great tips especiallt about getting upset about unfollowers. Thank you for sharing Jenny! Excited for your book! Xxx

  27. Some great advice here – especially when it comes to unfollowers / lack of views! I feel like this can be so disheartening when you’re first starting out but it’s something we all face from time to time, but like you said, it’s all about getting up and being proactive and figuring out what can be changed. I can’t wait to read your book Jenny! x

  28. Technically I’m not a new blogger as I’ve been doing it around 2 years now but this post was still really helpful for me! I still sometimes get a little upset when people unfollow me but I’m going to try and not do that anymore! X

  29. I’ve said this before so many times but you are soooooo good at tips and advice for bloggers, not just new ones either.

    When you’re starting out, it’s so hard to build that following and any unfollowers feel like a personal rejection. It’s hard to put things in perspective and realise that it’s really not you, it’s them.

    The only other piece of advice I’d give to new bloggers is if you go into it thinking you’ll make a lot of money fast, rethink your options. Blogging is HARD WORK, although if you have passion for writing and engaging with people it never (or rarely!) feels like a chore 🙂 Fab post, Jenny xxx

  30. I realized I had hit a writer’s block and wasn’t passionate about writing anymore, so I took a break for a while. That period allowed me to re-evaluate what I wanted to write about. Even though I started out with four main topics, I wrote more on inspiration.

    Another tip is to not care what people think (to an extent). I remember when I first started writing posts about God, I was so scared. I thought people would be turned away from my blog but I came to the conclusion that it was my blog, and they didn’t have to read it if they didn’t want to.

  31. Thank you so much for the helpful insight. I am a beginning blogger, but very excited about the future! Blogging is fun! I will look out for your book. Make sure you give us the details:)

  32. I agree so much with all of this! Although I’m a hypocrite cause I’ve definitely whinged when people I thought were friends unfollow. But it’s all a learning experience isn’t it? You’re especially right about brand collabs – people really try to take advantage and when you’re new it is so exciting that anyone’s approached you that you perhaps don’t see that. And YES about the passion part. I’ve seen so many bloggers force out content that they clearly don’t care about and it just doesn’t reflect well on them at all!
    Beth x Adventure & Anxiety

  33. These are all so helpful, for new and old. It’s easy to forget the basics at times.

    My advice would be to find your ‘tribe’ those that will support you, share their knowledge and build you up are the ones you need behind you.

    Thank you for always inspiring x

  34. This is so relevant. Especially about burnout. The path to success with your blog is not to kill yourself over it. I’d also add that define success your own way. You might be blogging for your own creativity, or to make money, or to get views, or to start interesting conversations etc. etc.

  35. This is really great advice, Jenny! So many new bloggers need to know about these, as it’s so easy to get sucked in to the views/followers hole and accept collaborations from brands who don’t always have your best interests at heart!

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