As each month comes to a close, I’m always look forward and planning for the next one. As someone who is a hugely organised person, I can’t just roll into the next month with a “whatever happens, happens” attitude. Combine a Virgo with anxiety and a Type A personality and you get me. But I think it’s good to go into the new month with some level of control and organization. Which is why I wanted to share some things to do at the beginning of every month today.

things to do at the beginning of every month

I like to go into a new month with a clear head and a positive an attitude as possible. Whatever has happened in the previous 30 days is history. It’s in the past and it can’t be changed. And I know it’s only psychological but I really do get that “fresh start” sense at the start of a new month.

As someone who suffers with a lot of low moods and depression, this new start feeling really helps me recalibrate how I’m feeling and helps me let go of things that might not have been serving me in the previous month.

But I also think it’s worth remembering that not all months will be the same and your things to do at the beginning of every month may vary and that’s okay. Most months I like to dedicate time to doing an end of the month intention setting ritual but other times, it just doesn’t feel right to do so. So I accept that and don’t judge myself for it.

things to do at the beginning of every month

What better time to set yourself up for a productive month? Here are some things to do at the beginning of every month:

Reflect on the previous month

One of the best things to do at the beginning of every month is reflection. This is something that we all do in our own individual ways, I think. But it’s still a handy thing to take some time to do at the start of the month so you can work out if you’re living your life the way you want to be. A few questions you can ask yourself are:

  • What made me happy during the previous month?
  • Was there anything that made me unhappy?
  • How did I feel mentally, physically and emotionally throughout the previous month?
  • Is there anything I regret from the previous month?
  • What do I wish I dedicated more time to doing?

You may wish to make use of some journal prompts if journaling and free-writing doesn’t come easy to you. It’s important that you don’t judge yourself for anything that might come up when answering these questions.

Answer them from the point of view of an outside and an observer of the situation, rather than getting too emotionally attached to your answers.

Write your goals for the month

You know me, I love a goal. And I rarely go a month without setting some sort of goal. When it comes to monthly goals, I like to categorize and keep them achievable. Splitting your goals into “work”, “finance”, “health”, or whatever areas of life you’re focusing on, is a good way to not get too overwhelmed.

But remember that goals are never set in stone and can ALWAYS be changed – yes, even mid-way through a month – if they’re not working for you. Here are some more truth bombs about goal setting you need to read!

Do an intention setting ritual

An intention setting ritual is one of my favourite ways to mark the end of a month. The wonderful thing about them is that they’re completely unique to you.

An intention setting ritual can consist of things like journaling, Yoga practices or movement, candle gazing, meditation and much more. It’s about finding a wonderful combination of things which make up a beautiful spiritual ritual to you.

Want your own End of the Month ritual guide? Sign up to my mailing list for access to your free guide in my freebie library!

Clear out your purse and your bag

Who else’s purse is overrun with old receipts and rubbish? Mine definitely gets like that occasionally so to stay on top of it, it’s one of the easiest things to do at the beginning of every month.

If you don’t know what to do with all those old receipts, try downloading Shoppix – an app that pays you to upload your receipts! I’ve had a few £5 payouts from Shoppix which, although it’s not a lot, is a nice little extra for well, doing nothing extra!

Organize your finances

Which brings me on nicely to my next point and that’s finances. Ugh.

Again, something else that we probably all do in our own individual ways and have our own systems for, so I won’t suggest exactly HOW to organize your finances, just to make sure you do.

Figure out what’s coming out of your account that month, any payments you know you have to make and budget for any unexpected outgoings as well. Budgeting can also help you save money for the future.

All of this is especially important if you are running a business, as a negative balance can cost you a great deal in fees! Happily, you can use online software like Xero to help make your business finances much quicker and easier to complete.

You can even get some amazing one-to-one Xero training courses either via Zoom or in-person to help you get the most from the software or move your account from another provider seamlessly. 

Manifest, manifest, manifest

I know this isn’t something everyone understands or believes in – that’s fine, each to our own. If this woo stuff isn’t for you, feel free to skip this bit!

The beginning of a new month is the PERFECT time to think about what you really want. Is it a promotion? A certain amount of money? Inspiration for a new business idea? Whatever it is, now is the time to start manifesting. And try and take action every single day of the month to make it happen.

If you do want to give this a go, I’d recommend starting with the below:

  • Write down what you want to manifest using the scripting method. Get very specific and read your manifestation aloud
  • Identify some positive affirmations which will serve your manifestation. For example, if you want to manifest money, then repeat the affirmation, “Money comes to me freely and easily” every day
  • Spend time visualizing how you’ll feel when you receive what you’re trying to manifest
  • Have a grateful heart. Express gratitude every single day for what you already have in your life.

things to do at the beginning of every month

Delete unused apps, photos and documents

A digital clean is always worth doing at the start of each month because we can built up a lot of digital rubbish over the course of just 30 days! Delete those apps that you downloaded and used once. Delete any photos you no longer want or need or serve no purpose. Even your Facebook friends, if you feel like it!

Have a deep clean and de-clutter

Whether it’s your bedroom, kitchen cupboards, desk or entire house, the start of the month is a great time to have a de-clutter and a good ol’ clean. If you struggle to de-clutter, check out my room by room guide to de-cluttering made easy to help you know what to throw away!

And if you struggle with de-cluttering, then you might want to read this post about valid reasons to remove clutter from your life.

Update your diary for the month ahead

Getting your diary filled in is a great way to feel more organized before the month even begins. Add in all those birthdays, appointments, days out or work meetings that you might have coming up. If you want to go one step further, using a colour coding system!

I recently bought a new diary from Papier, which I absolutely love. It has a beautiful design and un-dated pages for you to start whenever you like. It has space for meal prep, habit tracking, daily to-do’s and more!

If you fancy £15 off your first order, shop Papier planners here! (referral link)

Buy things for any upcoming occasions

I think it’s safe to say that we’ve all forgotten someone’s birthday. Or forgotten that Susan from work was leaving and didn’t buy her a card. At start of the month is a great time to get all those things out of the way early. Stock up on the birthday cards, do a bit of shopping for any occasions that might be coming up.

Do a good deed

I donate to charity on the 1st of every month. It’s one of my favourite things to do at the beginning of every month because I know I’ve done some good. It doesn’t have to be a lot of money either; just £10 or £20 is amazing!

But if you really don’t have the cash to spare, that’s not the only way you can start your month with a good deed. Offer to help your neighbour with something, write a personalized note for a friend, cook dinner for a loved one.

Having a positive start to the month can have such a wonderful effect on the whole month ahead of you. Starting with gratitude and productivity, making sure you have things in order before the calendar flips and doing things from a place of kindness to yourself and others is a great way to get yourself off on a good foot.

These are all very simple things to do at the beginning of every month but they make a great deal of difference when you do them consistently!

How do you like to plan for the month ahead? Do you do any of these things or have anything to add to this list? Let me know!


  1. One of my favourite things to do at the beginning of the month is create business goals, as well as fill in our family calendar! I use to be great at doing a digital declutter but I’ve fallen off the past couple months. Thanks for this post as a reminder!

  2. A “fresh start” every month. I like that. A big YES to starting the month with gratitude and productivity. My hubby and I started de-cluttering the entire house a few days ago. I’ve also deleted a few unused stuff from my phone. I still need to write my goals for this month and organize our finances. Thanks for the tips and Happy July!

  3. The beginning of the month always excites me! I love reflecting on the month before wether that’s good or bad and making sure I try to have a positive mindset for the month ahead. You’ve shared some really great suggestions which I’ll defiantly be taking notes of. Thank you so much for sharing with us lovely Xo

    Elle –

  4. I’m a little bit of both! I love a good to do list and starting my month in the most motivated way possible, but there’s also a part of me which is what will be will be. I really like your suggestions! I definitely need to clear my purse / bags out. I’m terrible for having things strewn across about three different bags and a changing bag. Ooops. Love the charity idea too.


  5. While I appear to have missed doing any of these things at the start of this month, surely a few days late won’t matter! I hopefully will have time to sit down tomorrow and go over some things in my head for the coming month. And will have time to get things organised.

  6. Wonderful post Jenny! These are great habits to practice at the beginning of every month. I especially love reflecting and seeing what made me happy and what I could dedicate more time doing. Great tips, thank you for sharing!

  7. I’ve done the first two at least, and a bit of manifesting, which is something I’m getting used too.

  8. I’m reading this after my run and as soon as I saw the title my first thought was ‘no, I’m too tired for this right now’. BUT as I started reading I realised a lot of this is stuff I do anyway. I always take a bit of time on either the last day of the month o r the first to reflect on my previous month and write out my goals. And have a go over files to make sure there’s nothing in the wrong place etc. I clear out my bag fairly often but not on a regular schedule so I’m definitely taking that one on board x


  9. I wont lie, I’ve been a little slower off the mark at the start of this month. My weeks are blending into each other but I’m getting there!

  10. I love making lists and at the start and end of the month I always create lists reflecting on my monthly goals! I like the challenge and satisfaction of looking back on them. De-cluttering things helps me to be productive also!

  11. I always write down my goals for the month. It helps me to stay focused. Love the law of attraction tip. But I do every day (scripting) and yesterday I already manifested one huge thing.

  12. I love the refreshing feel a new month gives you! Although it’s been a bit more difficult to feel refreshed and motivated for the start of this month with everything going on. I do like setting myself some goals and I also sort my finances too on a spreadsheet at the start of each month!

    Chloe xxx

  13. Thanks for sharing all of these tips! I never thought of deleting unused apps, photos, files from the previous month, but it is a great idea. I love writing down my monthly life/blog goals at the end of the previous month and deep cleaning everything (blog/room/life).

    Loren | Plaid + Sugar

  14. I love when a new month starts, it really feels like a fresh slate! Especially when it’s on a Monday like this month was. I need to get into the habit of buying cards and things at the start of the month – I always forget and have to run out last minute to get some! I’m getting really good at organising finances though which is starting to really pay off!

  15. This is a great list – I wish I followed it more. I would be so much more organized. Printing it off in hopes that helps!

  16. I love new beginnings and this June, as the first of June was also a Monday, is just great to start a new month. I am a big fan of goal setting and to do lists as well. Thanks for some great ideas. I definitely need to look into this digital cleaning a bit more. I get overwhelmed with too many emails and pictures.

  17. I love this! I always try and sort out my inboxes at the beginning of the month, but didn’t in May so they definitely needed it this time and for once I went a bit further and did some file sorting as well, so yay. Does it count as a monthly organisation when I just bought cards for every occasion I know of for the rest of the year?? My goal this month is actually not set any goals until I can figure out achievable ones as I’m getting fed up of stressing myself out over them. Great post!

  18. These are really good! I think it is so important to treat each month sort of like how people treat a new year. I like the idea of buying the cards, presents etc. at the start of the month as it gets it out the way!

    Em x

  19. You really have organization under control, and it is inspiring, I will do all these things. I love all the de-cluttering that this involves: phone, room, bag, everything! Thanks for sharing!


  20. Love this! I usually keep tabs on my finances weekly and typically reflect on how I’m progressing on my goals weekly as well. But I like to set goals at the start of each month! I like the idea of cleaning and decluttering. Might have to give that a try. Thanks so much!

  21. Haha, you got me with the bag, my bag is filled with old receipts and I haven’t bothered checking it. Thanks for sharing what to do with old receipts instead of trashing them

  22. Clearing out your purse and bag is such a good idea! Mine gets full of receipts, bits of paper I’ve written notes on and my little boys toys, so a clear out every month would make such a difference.

    Ive never tried manifestation before, but I’m tempted to give it a go. If nothing else, it would certainly keep me motivated.

    Im actually going to have to write these down and add then into my new month schedule. 😊

  23. I just went through and had an ‘e-cleanse’ tidied up pages and groups, removed any that weren’t positive for me anymore. Moving into June feeling revitalised and motivated.

  24. I love this mixture of practical and soul-fuelling ideas! The ‘clearing out your purse’ bit…that is a major call-out for me haha – I always have a million receipts flying everywhere!

  25. I am such an organised person like you! I love starting the month with goals and also YES I love the Law of Attraction and have read and watched so much on it! I also made my vision board and that is helping me to manifest my goals this month 😊 also I am in need of another digital declutter haha xxx

  26. Some great tips here, I like to write my goals down. I also definitely need to declutter all my devices as I end up downloading so many apps/ documents for a single use

  27. Love these tips, a great way to truly start a month on a positive note. I’ll definitely be reflecting and writing my goals for the month ahead later this evening. Having a digital declutter and organising your physical space is important too, both leave you feeling refreshed once they’re done.

    Tx. // Tajinder Kaur

  28. Oh god, receipts! All my bags are drowning in them because I always need to check them to see what I can claim on expenses! And having a digital declutter is always on my carry forward list too, haha. I don’t tend to write down goals because I get too downhearted when they don’t happen, but at the moment I’m taking the fact that homeschooling Flora is getting a little easier and more enjoyable as a major win! Fab post, lots of useful takeaways, Jenny 🙂 xxx

    Lisa |

  29. Great tips! I absolutely love doing a digital clean, I’m always surprised at the amount of photos and videos that I no longer need. The same for apps, there are way too many on my phone that I never use!

    Anika |

  30. Thank you for sharing. I’m a sucker for dwelling on things from the previous month, I need to start reflecting more but not dwell. I love the idea of manifesting!x

  31. Cleaning out your bag at the beginning of the month is such a great idea! Between my purse, my work bag and the diaper bag you never know what you’ll find!

  32. I can’t say that I plan for each month ahead. In my personal blog I used to write out some personal goals for the month but after time I realised that I set too high of goals and never acheived them. For this reason I found this post really interesting because it breaks it down in such an easy to understand and implement way to set things in place. Thanks for that!

    Kadie ♥ The Great Canadian Housewife | A Story About A Girl

  33. I’m a ride by the seat of my pants kinda girl! So this is really good advice that I should probably follow! I love the idea of being a bit more organised about general day to day stuff.

    I am so good with long term plans, like the wedding. I am almost completely done for that, stuck to a budget, planned every detail (even if it might not go ahead this year!) but day to day I just wing it!

    Thanks for the advice! I am definitely giving it a go x

  34. Such good ideas! I always mean to clean my purse out but can’t actually remember when I last did, oops! I want to read more into manifesting so fhanks for the link!
    I’m deffo going to have a phone declutter now too hah! X

  35. Love this list! So many of these tasks like cleaning out your bag and having a digital declutter are those tasks I never get around to doing and end up doing them once or twice a year at most but as silly as it sounds I’ve never considered doing it monthly – think I’ll be making a point of trying to do it once a month now! I also really like what you said about reflecting on the past month too – it sounds like something that would really benefit a massive pessimist like myself! Thanks for sharing 🙂 x

  36. THis is a great monthly checklist (one I’m printing out to remind myself to do these things more often then I’m currently doing them

  37. I usually do most of these but manifesting monthly is a great idea! I’ll have to up my manifesting game because I’ve not really been actively manifesting anything in a while.

  38. Love these ideas and never really do them and certainly not on a monthly basis. My organisation for the start of a month could definitely do with some work and this post has given me some great ideas, thank you x

  39. I absolutely love the idea of a digital clean up! I have been trying to get better at backing up and deleting photos recently and it’s felt GOOD.

  40. There are some great ideas in here! Buying things for upcoming events is a great shout! In lockdown I’ve forgotten more than a couple of people’s birthdays because time feels so weird at the moment! But buying stuff in advance would really help!

  41. I don’t usually make monthly goals but this time I just had to set myself a date for launching my e-book. If I don’t have a date I just keep procrastinating with it 😀 So, it’s set now!
    Very much agree with all of your points, start of Summer is the perfect time to take a look at one’s life as a whole and see what changes might need to happen financially, mentally or professionally. And manifestation sure can help with that! So glad to see you’re “in it” too. xx

    Teresa Maria | Outlandish Blog

  42. This gave me lots of ideas I’m a Virgo too and I’ve tried a planner before but I always end up leaving it in the dust. What do you recommend for someone who wants to plan their month but travel plans are unpredictable for work i give up planning and go with the flow and that’s when I spiral any tips?

  43. Love this, I definitely do all these things haha! Setting smaller goals is so much better because there’s more sense of achievement when you meet them all!xxx

  44. I need to do better at manifesting positive things in my life cause I am such a pessimist.. This is such a great post because sometimes going into a new month can be intimidating.

    Nikki O.

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