Happy Valentine’s Day! I couldn’t think of a more perfect day to share this post on how to invest in yourself with you. Investing in yourself doesn’t have to cost a bomb but it can have a profound impact on your life, well-being and happiness. It can help get you closer to who you want to be and your dream life.

how to invest in yourself

When you think of the word invest, you’ll likely start thinking about money. And whilst yes, there are many things you can do to invest in yourself which require (sometimes a lot of) money, you don’t have to stay stuck and stagnant where you are if you’re on a budget.

You don’t need money to invest in working on yourself and making yourself a better person. So if you’re wondering how to invest in yourself for FREE, this is the post for you.

Similarly to some of my previous self-care and well-being posts, I recognize here that there are different areas of yourself and your life that you can focus on investing in. So I’ve split these ideas up into categories, to make it easier to digest. This can also help you focus on one area at a time; perhaps the one you’re struggling with the most.

So if you want some more ideas for how to invest in yourself for free, here are 50 for you to use!

how to invest in yourself

How to invest in yourself: Physically

1. Commit to a Yoga With Adriene 30 Day journey
2. Search for free healthy and nutritious recipes online
3. Go for more walks
4. Do home workouts instead of using a gym
5. Prioritize your sleep and night-time routine
6. Book in your health screenings (like your cervical screening and eye-test)
7. Limit your screen time
8. Monitor your water intake
9. Cut down on alcohol consumption
10. Carve out the time to take care of your physical being

How to invest in yourself: Intellectually & your career

1. Take a free online course
2. Use the library and rent free books
3. Read more non-fiction books on educational topics
4. Watch documentaries
5. Visit free museums
6. Listen to educational podcasts
7. Volunteer
8. Say yes to the opportunities you feel aligned to
9. Use free YouTube channels to learn
10. Get creative

How to invest in yourself: Mentally & emotionally 

1. Unfollow toxic social media accounts
2. Get into the habit of journalling
3. Use a free service like The Samaritans if you’re struggling
4. Talk to the people around you
5. Spend time every day meditating (or just sitting quietly)
6. Express gratitude every single day without fail (even if you’ve had a bad day)
7. Create a safe space in your home
8. Make your own self care kit for bad days
9. Prioritize forgiveness (and even hold a forgiveness ritual for yourself)
10. Recognize your own signs of burn-out

How to invest in yourself: Spiritually

1. Open your mind to manifestation
2. Carve out time to pray to reflect (whatever your belief system warrants)
3. Make a vision board
4. Stargaze and spend time looking up
5. Listen to podcasts
6. Talk to people who share your beliefs
7. Spend more time in nature
8. Utilize affirmations
9. Honor your intuition
10. Use EFT to clear some limiting beliefs

How to invest in yourself: Relationships

1. Work on your communication
2. Spend quality time with loved ones
3. Put down your phone when you’re with them
4. Check in on people regularly
5. Know when to let people go
6. Get to know someone all over again
7. Learn the art of compromise
8. Give people space when they need it
9. Voice your needs
10. And ask them theirs

how to invest in yourself

I hope these 50 ways for how to invest in yourself for free gives you some great ideas moving forward. Remember it doesn’t have to cost money to invest in yourself; all of these ideas can be 100% free and help you move towards a happier and more intentional life, doing what you love and feeling more aligned.

How do you invest in yourself? What free things do you do that you can add to this post? Let me know!


  1. I know I can always rely on you for some top tips and suggestions on how to look after ourselves, Jenny. Personally, I love the volunteering suggestion, it’s something I’ve done a lot of in the past (less so right now) and I’ve always found it profoundly rewarding on many different levels. Brilliant ideas, thank you! xxx

  2. love this post! it reminds me of this tiktok i watched the other day where they talk about how it’s “me” season. inventing in ourselves is so important. how can we love someone else when we don’t love ourselves. i love yoga with adrienne and i need to get back into that routine.

  3. I loved this amazing list packed with so many small and simple things that I did not necessarily think of as investing in myself before! I am making an effort to keep drinking more water these days and look out for my triggers, but I especially enjoy reading non fiction centered around topics I enjoy learning about. 🙂

  4. Omg it’s so wild, I LOVE yoga with Adriene! I discovered her a few years ago + fell in love. My 11 year old daughter even enjoys doing her easier flows with me!

  5. This is a really good list! One of the worst and best things is that we can’t do everything at once and we can’t be perfect, but we can keep trying and improving in so many ways. We really should invest in ourselves all the time.

  6. This is absolutely wonderful! I’m in the process of number one right now. I’m 2 days from completing one of her 30 day programs and I’ve truly, honestly never felt better. It’s been life-changing. I also do a LOT of the other things on your list here, but I know there’s a few more I should focus on as well 🙂

  7. I need to look into a few of these especially the 30 days of yoga. I will definitely check it out. Thank you for sharing.

  8. Talking to people who share your values is SO important! I love finding like minded people- and while it’s good to speak to people who challenge you, you need some support for your ideas etc in life 🙂 great post Jenny x

  9. I love this post! It’s so important to invest in yourself and look after yourself and it’s something I’m trying to do everyday. These are some great ideas which I’ll certainly be putting to use. Thank you so much for sharing lovely Xo

    Elle – ellegracedeveson.com

  10. Love this! And I love how you’ve broken everything down too. I’m all about the free life, so a lot of these really speak to me. Being kind to yourself is one of the most important things, but I think growing and investing in yourself is super important too.
    Claire. X

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