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How To Become A Full Time Blogger Part 1

A lot of people go into blogging these days with the intention of turning it into a full or part time job and making a regular income from it. Which personally, I don’t think there’s ANYTHING wrong with. People go into creative industries all the time with the aim and hope they can turn it into a career and lifestyle. Why should blogging be any different? Blogging has become such a well known career choice that many people want to know how to become a full time blogger.

Photo by STIL on Unsplash

A little while ago, money was ALWAYS supposed to be the afterthought to having a blog. Hobby first, money second. And if you made any money through your blog, fab. But don’t make that a priority or a reason for continuing.

Oh how times have changed.

I was never a fan of that attitude. And I’m glad people’s views and opinions on blogging and money have shifted. There are many more bloggers talking openly about money, how they make money and how they gain blogging opportunities at all. And why the hell not? There’s enough to go around.

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I also think it’s important to get DIFFERENT views and and advice on the matter. It’s alright for me to sit here and bang on about how I became a full-time blogger but if my story doesn’t vibe with you, you’re not going to gain much from it.

Which is where this post comes in! Today I have 3 other full-time bloggers to introduce you to today as we answer some questions about becoming full-time bloggers and what it entails to help beginners out there who want to head in that direction. Let’s meet the bloggers!

How to become a full time blogger featuring:

Please briefly introduce yourself, what your blog is about and what you do:

Jenny: Hello, I’m Jenny! Full-time blogger at Jenny in Neverland here I predominantly cover well-being, self growth and blogging tips/advice. I’ve been blogging since 2013 and have been a full-time blogger for over a year now. I’m passionate about helping bloggers make their blogs a success and I currently have 2 eBooks and my own course.

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Chloe: My name is Chloe and I’m the affordable luxury travel blogger behind I’m Just a Girl where I share honest and real life travel guides and accounts of my trip around the world, travel tips and advice as well as accommodation and restaurant reviews. I’m also a full time traveler and freelance writer.

Michael: Hello, I am Michael, and I blog over at Your Money Geek (YMG). Professionally I worked in personal finance and was talked into creating a blog to promote my planning business. The company that talked me into starting a blog was producing horrible content, so I fired them and took over the blog. We cover everything from how to make money tutoring to movie reviews. I live in rural PA (USA) with my supportive wife, two children, and way too many animals.

Sam: I’m Sam, a 20-something freelance graphic designer living in Yorkshire. I’m a computer geek, gaming nerd and huge foodie. I’m also partial to movie marathons, Netflix binges and theatrical productions. However, above all, I enjoy the occasional staycation (I have a flying phobia!) and lazing around in bed all day (I wish…)

Modern Guy was established in 2014. The name is a mash-up of my Twitch user as well as my love for graphic design. I post on an array of topics such as business, finance, gaming and technology, as well as home DIY & decor, motors and general life (entertainment, food and more!)

What would be your main piece of advice you’d give new bloggers who want to know how to become a full time blogger?

Chloe: My number one piece of advice is that you have to have passion. If you’re wanting to make money from something that ultimately started as a hobby, you have to be passionate, determined and dedicated to it. You also need to implement some actionable goals that you want to achieve; I find that this helps me so much when planning out where I want to be in my blogging career.

Michael: Treat your blog like a business from day one! I think a lot of bloggers want to make money with their blogs; however, instead of creating a blog like a business, they treat it like a hobby. You must treat your blog as a real brick and mortar business. If you opened a retail business, what are some of the things you would do?

Sam: You have to be passionate about blogging and choose a topic you really love! In my 6+ years of blogging, I’ve seen far too many new bloggers getting into blogging for easy money only to give up due to the vast amount of time that goes into making a successful blog!

Jenny: I think passion is a very common theme among our answers. And that’s probably my main piece of advice too. Of course you have to be passionate about writing and your niche but you also have to be passionate about ALL THE OTHER STUFF TOO. Like Michael said, you need to treat your blog like a business. So you need to be passionate about the boring side of business too.

Related read: 6 Pieces Of Advice I Wish All New Bloggers Knew

What do you find are the most common misconceptions about blogging full-time?

Chloe: I think the main misconceptions about full time blogging would be that it’s really not that much hard work; which is in fact far from the truth! SO much time, effort and resources goes into blogging full time and writing the posts is actually just a small part of the bigger picture.

Michael: That it’s a passive activity. If you google passive income, almost every article in Google top ten lists “start a blog” to build passive income. We all certainly have latitude in how we wish to define “passive,” however, blogging stretches even the most liberal interpretations of the term.

I don’t want to discourage anyone from blogging. If I can do it, you can too. However, you should be prepared that blogging full times is not a ten-hour or less work week like some may suggest.

Sam: People seem to think blogging full-time is the easiest job in the world – I probably start my day at noon and sit in my PJ’s watching the telly, tweeting here and writing a bit of rubbish there. If only…I think I work 24/7 sometimes and even when I’m supposed to be having a day off, I can’t switch off!

Jenny: I think the whole “blogging isn’t a real job” thing is a huge misconception and also a really annoying one. But that’s more of an outsiders perspective. I think for bloggers who want to go into blogging full-time, the biggest misconception is how “easy” it is. By all means, it’s not the hardest job ever. But there’s much more involved than what you’d originally think.

I decided to cut this post short and split it into 2, as I was aware of how long it was getting and didn’t want y’all to get bored and click off before reading ALL of our advice. You can find part 2 of this interview right here!

What did you learn from this post? Which piece of advice stood out to you?

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