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A Guide To Creating A Freebie Library (For Free!)

At the beginning of 2021, I launched my freebie library on my blog. This freebie library is a password protected page which is accessible exclusively to those who have signed up to my mailing list and have received the password. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed working on my freebie library content and have found great value in this addition to my blog. So today I want to share some tips for creating your own freebie library!

Before I get started, I just want to say that there are a number of ways in which you can create a freebie library (or resource library if that’s what you prefer to call it) for your blog. My way is only one of many and I just personally preferred having the library on my blog as a password protected page.

A little warning, you will be SICK of the word “freebie” by the end of this post.

Why would I want to create a freebie library?

Good question to start with. WHY would you want to create a freebie library? Surly as a blogger you already have ENOUGH to do without adding more to your plate?

Well, true.

But a freebie library can add a lot of value to your blog, your blog followers and audience and relationships with readers.

A freebie library can allow you to bring much more value to your readers in addition to your regular blog posts – but at a price (onto that next). It can allow you to expand on your niche and go deeper into the topics you’re passionate about.

It’s also a great extra way to get the creative juices flowing when in the creation process of your freebies (again, more on that in a bit) and it’s an exciting way to bring your readers new content!

What’s in it for me?

But Jenny, what’s in it for me? Why would I create all this EXTRA free stuff that takes up SO MUCH TIME?

Well my friend. There’s always something in it for you.

The idea of any freebie or resource library is to give your readers something for something in return. In this case, it’s not money (as opposed to selling eBooks or courses) but subscribers in your mailing list or followers of your blog.

In my case, anyone who signs up to my mailing list (not subscribes to my blog) will gain access to my freebie library. This is an exclusive group of people who get first access to any new freebies, updates on blog posts and other general natterings from me throughout the month.

But of course the main incentive for signing up to my mailing list – is the freebie library.

My mailing list subscribers have shot up since I launched my library and it allows me to build a stronger connection to my audience.

Another benefit for YOU of creating a freebie library is that if you chose to create paid for resources (such as eBooks or courses), your readers will ALREADY KNOW how good your resources are and be more inclined to trust you as an industry expert in your niche and purchase your products – kerching!

What kind of freebies should I create?

Now this is the exciting part and this part of the process I love the most.


What kind of freebies you create will be based entirely off of your own blog, niche and the things you love and/or are an expert in.

Like, if you have a beauty blog, you won’t want all your freebies to be about cars. See what I mean?

Freebies come in all shapes and forms, from eBooks, workbooks, guide, printables, challenges, templates and more! Get mega creative here!

In the graphic below, I’ve given a few freebie ideas for each niche to help you get started!

How do I create a freebie?

Of course it depends on what type of freebie you’re creating but I am a SUCKER for Canva.

I basically create everything and anything on Canva and I absolutely adore the range of scope you have for fonts, images, elements etc. So I would highly recommend using Canva to create your freebies.

I also like to create pretty graphics to showcase and promote my freebies, like the one below.

This is just down to personal preference but I really enjoy creating these graphics and I think they make my actual library look nice. I personally then upload my freebies to my Google Drive and get the “shareable link” to attach to the above images and then members of the library can click and download whichever ones they want!

Anything else?

Yes actually, now you mention it.

Creating a freebie library does take a lot of time and effort. As with everything in blogging, you get out what you put in. So putting in that effort will get you results.

I opened my freebie library with around 6 different freebies already in it.

Then I added another one mid-January and another at the beginning of February.

I’m constantly brainstorming freebie ideas and I plan to add a new freebie into the library once every other month or so.

Don’t forget, people need those incentives to subscribe to your mailing list and continue to be interested in what you have to offer in your library.

So yes, it does take a bit of time and effort. But it’s worth it if it’s something you want to pursue.

I also mention in the title of this post that you can create a freebie library for FREE.

Which you absolutely can.

The only costs you might find you need somewhere down the line is your newsletter provider. I use MailChimp which I’ll need to upgrade once I hit 1,000 (I think?) subscribers and will have to pay a fee.

I also pay monthly for Canva Premium, which gives me larger access to stock images, fonts and features. And I absolutely LOVE IT. It’s around £10 a month and well worth it for the amount I use Canva every month.

Aside from that, you can 100% create a BANGING freebie library for FREE!

Do you have a freebie library? Are you a member of my freebie library? What’s your favourite freebie? Let me know!

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