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We Need To Talk

Hi there chums. I hope you’re doing well. Can you believe we’re almost in November? I think I must have said that to every single person I’ve spoken to this week because WTH. Mental. This is a bit of an impromptu post. It’s not something I had planned but it IS something I’ve wanted to chat about for quite some time. And I think it’s time.

Photo by Kaylee Garrett on Unsplash

We need to talk about blogging.

Over the last 6 months in particular, I’ve had a lot of thoughts about blogging, my blog and where I want my career to go. That could be down to the fact that I’ve been working twice as hard since the COVID nightmare started and I’ve had more time to wonder and ponder about it. But regardless, here we are.

I’ve been blogging for almost 8 years of my life. I started as a book blogger, I ran a book touring business, I evolved into lifestyle, I started blogging full-time, I released my own eBooks and settled on where I am today, predominantly blogging about well-being, self care, personal growth and blogging tips.

And it’s that last one I want to talk about today.

Over the last year in particular, there seems to have been an surge of “blogging bloggers” onto the scene and already established bloggers moving down the route of blogging about blogging. More and more bloggers are releasing eBooks and courses, creating content around Pinterest and media kits and sharing advice for bloggers.

Now there will ALWAYS be room for this content in the industry as new bloggers are coming onto the scene all the time. And we all start somewhere, right? We all need advice and tips on something we want to grow and learn more about.

Photo by Kaylee Garrett on Unsplash

But for me – someone who’s been there and written the blog posts about blogging and released the eBooks about blogging – this is something I feel like I need to step back from. It’s not making me happy. Or satisfied. And if I’m being COMPLETELY honest… I’m bored.

I’m bored of talking about blogging.

I absolutely adore blogging. I love my career. I am so grateful to my followers and readers, to the community on Twitter, to the friends I’ve made, the brands I’ve worked with and the opportunities I’ve had. I’m ETERNALLY grateful to all those advice posts I’ve read over the years that have helped me get to where I am today.

But things and people change. And that’s what’s happened here.

Throughout this month (October 2020), I’ve hands down had one of the best blogging months ever. I’ve made more money, worked with more brands, had great views and most importantly, have felt SO CONTENT with my work and what I do. And that’s because I’ve made some changes.

I stopped pushing affiliate links.

I stopped promoting my eBooks.

I stopped writing blogging advice style posts.

I stopped comparing myself to others.

I stopped caring about what everyone else was doing.

Because ultimately, I think that’s what happened. As more and more people started talking about blogging and seeing success from it, I felt like that’s what I had to do as well. So I continued to push out the blogging tips, I continued to desperately try and make affiliate sales, I continue to promote the same stuff as EVERYONE else, I continued to do what everyone else was doing.

And I wasn’t seeing or feeling any benefit from it.

Because it wasn’t me. 

I don’t enjoy affiliate marketing. There I said it. I hate Pinterest and I’m bored senseless of talking and reading about Pinterest. I don’t read blogging tips posts anymore. Not because I feel like I know everything (farrrrrr from it!) but because I feel like I’m reading the same thing over and over again and never learning anything new.

Obviously each to their own here. If you love talking about blogging then rock ON.

Photo by Stephanie Harvey on Unsplash

My passions lie in well-being, self care, mental health awareness, books and mindset. I recently competed a 6 week life coaching course which was so eye-opening to me and no doubt has played a huge part in these realizations I’m having.

I love writing. I love creating content. I love working with brands and discovering new products. I’ve come to LOVE Instagram over the last few months – I’m putting more time and effort into my Instagram than ever before and it’s felt so rewarding for me. I love helping people but in a more mindful way.

I also love books and miss talking about books. I love jewelry – which is something I don’t think I share enough of. I love supporting charities and advocacy. I love interior design. I love The Law of Attraction. I love spirituality.

There are so many things that make up a HUGE part of me which I personally feel have been drowned out by my attempt to fit in to the current mold.

So, October was one of the best blogging months I’ve EVER had.


Because I was doing things I freaking LOVED. 

And became more mindful of not doing the things that drained my energy.

So going forward, what next?

Well I can’t imagine you will see MUCH change. But I know I feel FEEL the change. And hopefully that will show within my content and my online presence. As blogging advice goes, I’m going to SERIOUSLY limit those types of posts on my blog. Unless I feel like it’s something important that I need to share.

In fact, I have a series of posts to release next year which are designed for HOBBY BLOGGERS, as I feel like so much advice now is for those who want to make money. This won’t take up a huge portion of my content and it’s an area that I feel is lacking.

I’m going to be dialing right back on the affiliate links. In fact, I’m not going to bother scheduling any affiliate tweets for November because 1) it takes forever, 2) I hate it and 3) it doesn’t bring me much in terms of income anyway. I have a resource library – if people want to use those links, they can.

I’m also probably not going to be promoting my eBooks and course much either. For the same reasons as above. And also because I feel like so many people are promoting eBooks of the same nature right now that there’s not much point. But that’s just me.

In fact, it’s highly unlikely I’ll be releasing any more ebooks or courses at all.

I’m going to be extra mindful of who I follow on social media and who and what I engage with. I don’t personally want to see a ton of income reports or people talking about blogging all the time. Again, if that’s what you want to talk about and what you want to see then freaking GO for it.

But it’s not for me anymore. It’s NOT me anymore. And that’s fine.

Gosh this feels good to write out. This is how I want to feel all the time.

My career is mine. And I feel like I came to a bit of a standstill JUST when I found myself doing the same thing as everyone else. And all I can say to those who are feeling a similar way, is that you are NEVER going to be happy in this industry, if you’re only doing the same things as everyone else because you feel like that’s the ONLY way to succeed.

It ain’t gonna work.

It might for a bit. But it will drain your energy and suck the life out of you and leave you absolutely resenting everything.

I think I’m going to leave this here as we’re getting a little rambly now aren’t we? I’m just glad to have finally got this off my chest and I gotta say, it feels incredibly therapeutic.

Have a wonderful weekend my loves.

Jenny x

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