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The TMI Travel Tag!

travelI pinched this off of Katy’s blog, The Lilac Scrapbook (which is awesome by the way, go check it out!) and although I wasn’t tagged I loved the idea of a travel survey to talk about where you’ve been, where you’d like to go and share some photos! I won’t tag anyone at the end as I wasn’t tagged myself but if you’d like to do it then go ahead! (Be sure to credit it to Wanderness as she made the tag up!)

1. What was the last country you visited?

Wales, last March! First time visiting and I loved it! I wrote a blog post about it here.

2. How many countries have you visited?

Not enough! About 9 at the moment – by next year it’ll be 11. Would love to visit at least 50 in my lifetime.

3. What is your favourite place on the planet that you have been to?

Disneyland Paris and I have no shame! I’ve been 3 times in my life and each time has been just as magical. I can’t wait to have children so I can take them!

4. Favourite place in your home country?

Cornwall: Bude

Ooh I went to Cornwall for a surfing and activities holiday and absolutely loved it – such beautiful scenery. However, if we’re talking about the UK as a whole, I’d have to say Snowdonia, it was completely breath-taking. Oh and Great Yarmouth is awesome too!

5. If you could board a plane right now, where would you go?

This is a tough one! I’ve always wanted to visit Norway and hopefully see the Northern Lights – that’s one of the top things in my bucket list!

6. What’s your cup of tea – tropical island getaway, snowy ski break or city exploring trips?

It’s a toss up between tropical island getaways or snowy ski breaks. I’ve been skiing before and it’s so much fun and I’ll hopefully be going again at the end of the year. But everyone’s a sucker for a tropical paradise! I’m not a huge fan of busy cities but I’ve been to Paris a few times and have always been amazed by that beautiful city!


7. What are your top 3 hand-luggage must haves?

Bottle of water, iPod (I literally couldn’t survive a flight without music!) and of course, a bloody good book!

8. Any travel tips to share?

I honestly don’t think I’m qualified to share travel tips based on the amount I’ve travelled compared to others but from experience of a holiday I went on, don’t let anyone else ruin your holiday.

9. Most embarrassing moment abroad.

Oh heavens, slipping over in a hotel lobby, falling off the end of a ski lift, getting accused of doing a “dine and dash” when running after Baloo and King Louie…

10. Biggest disappointment.

I’m rarely let down fully by trips to somewhere new – even if it’s not great, I don’t like to let myself get disappointment and always try and take the good away from it. However… I went to Bulgaria in summer 2011 and although at the time I was completely hyped up about having just been on my first holiday without my parents, looking back now, it was a pretty disappointing holiday, for a variety of reasons. The area I stayed in, Sunny Beach, is now renowned for it’s party scene and drunk teenagers and there were lots of arguments amongst my group. We also didn’t explore the area at all which if I were to go there now, I definitely would have done. Oh and I got food poisoning.

11. Nicest surprise.

I was definitely surprised at how much I enjoyed my trip to Wales. I completely underestimated what the UK had to offer!

12. Three places at the tip of the travel bucket list.

Thailand (Even more so now after seeing Lucy’s from Absolutely Lucy travel posts!), Norway and Germany!

13. Favourite food discovery.

I don’t know about favourite but I can tell you my least favourite was a Bulgarian kebab (which had far too much garlic sauce in, plus 4 different types of meat and chips?!) and gave me food poisoning, almost made me pas out and have an upset stomach on the day I was due to leave!

14. Why do you travel?

As I mentioned, I wouldn’t consider myself traveller, compared to the likes of some, but I do absolutely adore going to new places – whether it be in the UK or abroad. The world has so much to offer, I don’t know why I wouldn’t want to experience that when I can – money and circumstances provided. It makes me happy and grateful and that’s all that matters!

Gran Caneria

15. What 3 things would you take on holiday/travelling if you could?

My dog. I miss my dog wherever I go and as completely soppy and dopey as this sounds, I would love for him to see more of the world! I’d also like to take my laptop – I’m happy to take it on UK holidays but abroad is obviously more difficult. Plus, when you’re abroad, it’s nice to have a step back from your laptop every day and experience your surroundings. I honestly can’t think of a third!

16. Have you picked up any phrases from travelling?

I can’t say I have! Apart from the odd word for thank you, hello and goodbye from the different countries I’ve been to!

17. What two places would you not go back to and why?

One of the places would be Bulgaria because of the experience of my holiday when I went – however, I feel I’m being a little closed minded as I’m sure there’s plenty of other beautiful places in Bulgaria I haven’t seen and when I went, our hotel and surrounding beach was nice! I don’t think I have a second!

Bulgaria: Sunny Beach

18. Your dream travel companion?

Jeremy Clarkson.

19. Most surreal travel moment?

The mountains when I went skiing were breath-taking and considering how small you are compared to them was very surreal.

La Plagne: French Alps

20. Three people you would like to see do this tag

Anyone and everyone!

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