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How To Promote Your Blog On Social Media

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I’ve been blogging for over 7 years now and in 2015, I wrote a blog post about mistakes I made when I started blogging. One point I mentioned was that I didn’t share my blog posts and links and when I did, I clearly wasn’t doing it right because for the first six months or so, my stats were pretty shocking. Although there’s MUCH MORE advice available now for new bloggers on how to promote your blog, which is very lucky.

Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

Learning how to promote your blog on social media is so important because is has a huge impact on your blog traffic which can affect things like ad revenue in the future. There’s a ton of things you can do when creating the post itself to help boost that traffic, like getting stuck into SEO and writing catchy blog post titles but learning how to promote your blog on social media will give you a huge jump up.

Related: Keyword Research For Bloggers eBook

So let’s look at 6 easy ways you can learn how to promote your blog effectively on social media:

Use different platforms for promoting your blog

First of all, don’t rely on ONE social platform to promote your blog. You need to be cross-posting across a variety of platforms to get the best results. Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest are a must but you can also consider Instagram and LinkedIn as well. Experiment with different platforms but make sure you try and keep on top of most of them.

Research the best times of day to promote your blog

I know it sounds obvious but your blog and Twitter followers are from all over the world so be sure to post your blog links throughout the day. If you just do it at a certain time, someone from the other side of the world could always be missing it. Research the best times of day for certain platforms, as they do differ. For example, Pinterest pins always tend to do better in the middle of the night in the UK as audiences are mostly from the US.

Spend time learning about Pinterest marketing

Pinterest is an absolute GOLDMINE for blog traffic and by learning about Pinterest marketing for your blog early on, it’ll benefit you hugely in the long term. This is one of my biggest downfalls. I didn’t get on the Pinterest bandwagon until well after 5 years into my blogging career and yep… I’m kicking myself for it!

Although Pinterest is technically a search engine and NOT a social media platform, I wanted to include it in this post on how to promote your blog because it’s such a huge part of that. If you’re totally new to Pinterest, I’d highly recommend this course > Pinterest With Ell < as it’s perfect for beginners!

Use relevant hash tags and RT accounts when sharing your blog posts on Twitter

I was pretty useless at for ages but using relevant hash tags on Twitter is important because believe it or not, people actually search for them! #bookbloggers, #lbloggers (lifestyle bloggers), #tbloggers (travel bloggers), #foodbloggers are some I use. Here’s a more extensive list of RT accounts and hash tags:

Ensure you have sharing options on your blog posts for other people to promote your content

If you look at the bottom of this post, I have lots of sharing options for people to use; Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest etc. I know we’re talking about how to promote your blog on social media but you need to make your content accessible so other people can share it too!

Make your tweets visually appealing

The average shelf life of a tweet is 18 minutes. Yep. Just 18 minutes! So you can see the importance of making your tweets visually appealing when you think that the average user will have 18 minutes to see your tweet before it gets eaten up by the rest of their feed. Make sure you’re selling your blog posts, including images, emojis and a clickable description.

When I was a new blogger, I had absolutely no idea what I was doing so I hope that someone can find this helpful! If anyone has any other tips, feel free to leave them below and share your wisdom!

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