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How I’m Growing My Business In 2020

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At the time of writing this, we’re only 4 days into the New Year and it’s already looking like it’s going to be one of the busiest years of my life. With a growing business, a book contract and a well-being retreat to organize, I’ve hardly had a minute to spare. But I’m absolutely not complaining at all. I thrive on busyness. This is exactly what I’ve been working towards for over 4 years.

Photo by STIL on Unsplash

But with a growing business comes more need for organization and structure. For different methods of growth, different business strategies which you can invest in from places such as planned ascent and so on. Because nothing is going to change if you stay in the same place. If, like me, you’ve seen a growth in your blog or your business, you definitely need to implement ways to keep the momentum up.

So here are some ways I’m planning on growing my business and maintaining that growth in 2020:

Office space

This is definitely the biggest one for me because believe it or not, in the 3 or so years I’ve been blogging full-time, I’ve NEVER had an office space. Not once. I work from home, where I live with 3 other people and a dog. Space is limited. So all this time, I’ve had to just ‘make do’. Which has been FAR from ideal at times. In fact, I wrote a whole blog post on why working from home SUCKS.

For one, I’ve absolutely done my back in, working from my bed for so long. I basically have chronic lower back pain now – which absolutely sucks. I get distracted all day long, from family coming into my room and asking me things (not work related) and all the noise and hustle and bustle around me makes it near impossible sometimes.

So in 2020, I’m FINALLY getting my own office. Having office space can be tricky when, like me, you’re self employed or you work from home – or both. So finding something that works for you (tip: DO NOT WORK FROM YOUR BED) is crucial. For me, I’ll be having a small garden room built where I can go to work, on a proper chair, with a proper desk!

Having a serviced office is another great option if you can afford it and would rather leave the house to go and work. A serviced office is an office spaces entirely serviced with everything you need from electricity, broadband and heating. You can also rent serviced offices on a very short lease, sometimes as little as 3 months.

Photo by Kari Shea on Unsplash

A better work structure

I’m terrible for not giving myself work hours. I don’t work 9-5 or 8-6. I work from whenever-whenever. And I hate it. Despite the fact I love the freedom and flexibility available when you work for yourself, I also crave a structure and a routine. Which I absolutely do not have at the moment. And no doubt that ties in to the last point about not having office space.

So once I get my office, I’ll be structuring my days much more strictly. I’ll be locking up my office at 6 and that’s it for the day. Just like what someone with a “normal” job would do. I know this will help me grow my business because I’ll be much more focused during my work hours and I’ll also be giving myself that well-needed down time at the end of the working day.

Focusing more on Pinterest

I’ve used Pinterest for a while but can you believe it’s taken me THIS LONG to really knuckle down and want to learn about the ins and outs of how Pinterest can help grow your business? Pinterest is THE PLACE to be right now and bloggers and business owners alike have gained a ton of traffic, income and success through Pinterest marketing strategies. It’s a fantastic tool for growing your business.

I’m doing this by signing up for the (aff) Ell Duclos Pinterest eCourse, which I would HIGHLY recommend if you’re new to Pinterest or you need step by step advice on how to make Pinterest work for you and your blog. After only a few days of using her advice on setting my Pinterest up correctly, my Pinterest monthly views were already rising!

Stepping up the social media promotion

Social media is crucial for your business or your blog. It’s where you’ll find clients, readers, friends, opportunities and more. So ensuring that you’re using social media in a way that works for you and your business is hella important. And that’s something I definitely realised I needed to work on late last year.

Despite promoting on social media regularly, I didn’t feel like I was giving it my best. So this year, I’ve put much more TIME and EFFORT into my social media promotional tweets. Instead of just “getting them done”, I’m considering much more carefully what is going to make readers click on my links, read my blog posts or buy my products.

And it’s working. In 3 days I’ve already had 3 eBook sales and 6 bloggers book advertising slots with me!

So there are 4 ways in which I’m growing my business in 2020. How are you growing your blog or business this year? Do you have any extra tips in add in the comments?

* This is a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
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