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March goals

Alright, alright, alright how are we doing? It’s March already. March. March. However, we’ll be stepping into Spring very soon, the flowers will be blooming (will they? With all this snow?) and it’s almost Easter. Which means it’s almost time to send myself into a chocolate coma. My favourite time of year! In all honesty, I do love this time of year. I’m not a fan of Summer but I do like being able to spend some time reading in my garden and smelling the Spring air without it being too blisteringly hot. I always find I’m really productive at this time of year as well. Maybe it’s something about Spring being a new season, a new start that ignites that motivation in me. So let’s see what I’m hoping to achieve this month!

1. Don’t pick my nails for a week: I have absolutely no confidence that I’ll be able to manage this one. I have picked my nails for as long as I can remember and they are disgusting. Honestly, I know a lot of people say their nails are gross but mine are fucking dreadful. It’s almost an obsession of mine now; I love picking things and my own nails are the closest and most convenient things for me to pick. But I want to stop or at least attempt to stop. So this is going to be bloody challenging but I’ll give it my best go.

2. Don’t go on Facebook for a week: I was chatting to someone on Twitter in February after I had a little moan about how much I hated Facebook and wondered why I even still bother with it and she said she’d deleted the app from her phone and felt much better for it. So I want to experiment not using Facebook for a while. My only issue with this one is that I share my blog posts through my blog’s Facebook page but I can always schedule the posts for the week I know I won’t be using it. Work around your problems, yo! (This doesn’t include Facebook Messenger)

3. Hi 9k on Twitter: Taking this one over from February which was on my February goals list but I didn’t quite hit it. I’m hoping to hit this big milestone in March! I’m also super happy with myself for not getting worked up over the fact that I didn’t hit one of my blogging goals for February and just rolling it over to the next month. There’s always next month.

4. Re-read a book I love: I haven’t re-read an old favourite for so, so long. It’s something I used to do much more often but sometimes I get a thought in my head that it’s a waste of time but it’s absolutely not. Not freaking way. Reading something that means something to you and that you hold dear in your heart will never be a waste of time. So a re-read is on the cards for March!

5. Read 5 books: Which I did not do last month. Not by a mile! So I wanna up my reading game again in March.

6. Go out for afternoon tea / tea and cake with my Mum: Not a goal as such but just something I’d like to do in March being as it’s Mother’s Day and we haven’t really done that in a while! There’s a lovely tiny little tearoom in a park near where we live which I love popping in to get a drink from whenever we walk the dog over there. It’s all Vintage and I love supporting a small business at the same time!

7. Watch Moana: Yes you have permission to shout at me in the comments. I haven’t seen Moana yet.

8. Hit 5,000 blog followers: This would be such an amazing milestone!

There we go! I couldn’t think of any more so I didn’t want to just make things up for the sake of it! These are 7 things I genuinely want to achieve in March and again, keeping it nice and simple! What’s your goals for this month? 

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