We all want dem viewz, we’ve all read blog posts about how to increase or daily and monthly page views and I’m going to guess that we all get that little happy tummy flutter when we see our views are doing particularly well. I know I certainly do. And I also know that I can sometimes get very disheartened when I see they aren’t performing as well as I’d hoped or expected.

It’s only natural and totally normal to feel like that and there’s certainly nothing wrong with caring about your views and wanting to see those numbers rise. There’s always been a bit of a taboo around the subject of caring about stats in the blogging world, with the high and mighty claiming that “you should be blogging for YOU and the numbers don’t count!” But for some people they do. And that’s okay.

But I wanted to dig up the age old argument about views vs engagement. A couple of months ago, I stumbled across a tweet from someone I don’t follow (an awful lot of my posts are staring with, “I saw a tweet” recently aren’t they?) who had posted a photo of the stats from her WordPress app. They were pretty damn impressive. Like, breath catching in my throat sort of impressive.

Over 100,000 views in a month? This girl had some serious SEO knowledge and a lot of her views were coming from Pinterest too, which as we’ve seen, is a pretty up-and-coming platform for bloggers lately which can improve your blogging views by hundreds if not thousands if used correctly. So this girl got a LOT of blog views, clearly.

But what I also noticed was that the numbers under “likes” and “comments” (if you’re on WordPress you’ll know what I’m talking about here, if not, the app shows how many likes and comments you receive each day, month, year) were very low. These finding did make me wonder…

Do views mean anything without the engagement?

I’ve always been relatively lucky in that my blog gets a fair bit of engagement. Ever since I wormed my way into lifestyle, posting more discussion based posts and more posts which encourage conversation, I noticed the comments went up and luckily, I still get comments on all of my blog posts to this day. I love reading comments on my blog and sometimes, the comments are better than the post itself!

So looking at those stats, I kinda sighed. Because you know what? I’d give up hundreds of thousands of monthly views for regular, authentic, friendly engagement any day. I write my blog because I want people to read it. Obviously. But I also write my blog more so because I want people to relate to it. I want people to laugh, learn something new, know that whatever they’re going through they’re not alone.

I want people to feel like they’re talking to a friend when they read my blog, therefore encouraging them to start a conversation, leave a comment or a like and express their opinions.

I think it’s all very well impressing people with those types of stats and if you have the skill to make your blog receive those amount of views, that’s amazing. Because it’s not easy. We all know it. Some days it’s like shouting into the void and we’ve all experienced that and it’s awful. It’s a lot of hard work, time and effort to utilize your social media, work on your SEO and plant all those seeds for those views to grow on.

And I get everyone blogs for different reasons, some people care more about views than they do about engagement, some people blog as a hobby, others as a job and each and every persons priorities will be different. I think that’s very obvious. But personally? The engagement makes it worth it. If tomorrow, everyone suddenly stopped reading my blog and I never received a single comment ever again… (please don’t!)

I’d probably wouldn’t bother blogging again.

Hearing from readers is one of the biggest joys of blogging, in my opinion. Back in 2013 when I started blogging and had no idea where on earth followers even came from and it was a pipe dream to actually have a real, engaged following. But my blog grew, my followers grew, yes my views grew steadily but not to anything of the amount of what I’ve mentioned. But the thing I noticed most was the comments and engagement. Every time a new comment would come in, my tummy would flutter. Someone took time out of their day to comment on my blog post? I mean, that’s a pretty great feeling.

So to tie this up, I personally don’t think views do mean anything without engagement. I wouldn’t want to spend hours writing a blog post for 50,000 people to read it but no one to bother saying anything about it. But that’s just me.

Where do you stand on this topic? Do you prefer views or engagement? Do you believe views mean anything without the engagement?


  1. Hi Jenny, great post! I think that engagement is great for engaging posts, those that ask the readership questions (like this one). I love that part of blogging because it builds a community. But I also think that views can be great for posts that offer knowledge, like when you’re trying to decide whether to buy something or not, and you read a post on pros and cons. Or when someone blogs about a specific college that you’re considering attending. That said, I do prefer having conversations with people and discussing ideas and topics with others. Thank you for sharing! 😄

  2. I really like this jenny, it’s such an honest post. So many get wrapped up in the views game but in my opinion, your 100% correct on engagement vs views. Much ❤

  3. I’ve definitely noticed more engagement since we switched from book blogging to lifestyle. I’ve fallen into the trap of writing quick, poorly done posts in the past (just to get them up and get some views) so I’m spending my time beefing up some of those and making them easier to engage with. Great post!

  4. I agree that engagement is ultimately the most important but as a new blogger I find views important too because without people viewing I can’t get engagements. Thank you for the post!

  5. Great Post. 🙂
    I feel that engagement is crucial as it’s a way for people to form an active bond with you.

    Definitely something I’ll be working on with this new blog.
    Have a great day. xoxo

  6. I think engagement is so much more important. I used to stress about my views so much but now I’m much more relaxed and prefer to get genuine views and comments, knowing people have enjoyed or taken something from it rather than read it for the sake of it. The same goes with Instagram too, my followers haven’t moved in months but my engagement on photos has been better which has been nicer to see! xx

    Tiffany x http://www.foodandotherloves.co.uk

    1. Yes I agree with instagram! My followers rarely go up, maybe like 1 or 2 every week but I’m working on engagement and replying to comments and things and it feels much better 😌

  7. Hmm this is an interesting one. I know my posts with the most views are the ones that have done well in terms of Google rankings and seeing how they perform does make me really happy, but the ones with the best engagement are usually the This Month posts and it makes me SO happy to see people being open to talking about that stuff. I think for me it depends on the individual posts rather than views & engagement as a whole x


  8. I personally would rather know people enjoyed my post than have loads of views. Saying that, I also like knowing my posts are reaching a large amount of people, particularly because I am trying to educate and spreas the word about mental health and ADHD. My blog has neither engagement or views at the moment though!

    Melanie || melaniewithanie

  9. I definitely agree with your view! Since the earliest of my blogging days(I’ve only been bloging a little over a year) I’ve never really minded if my views were low, the comments matter the most, each one of them makes my day ❤️

  10. I would prefer more engagement over page views, to be honest. Sure, having thousands of views is great but I’d rather hear from my readers… besides, the views could come from bots haha.

    cabin twenty-four

  11. I don’t pay much attention to my views, but I love reading reader comments. I might not get as many as some, but I have a faithful following so I don’t mind.

  12. This is a really interesting post which has actually made me feel a lot better about my own blog! I’m always wondering why my views are so low compared to others but I have fantastic engagement. To be honest I’d definitely love to have both but right now I’m feeling lucky I have the latter!
    Soph – https://sophhearts.com x

  13. Engagement helps me know if I wrote something that made my readers think. A like or a comment goes a long way. But, a view? That just means someone opened the post. They may have read the first sentence and said “thank you, next” and clicked out. For all I know, a view could also mean they tried to load my post but their cell or WiFi service took too long to load (by “too long,” I mean longer than 6 seconds since that’s our attention span) and so they didn’t even see anything to read. Sigh. 😔

  14. Interesting post Jenny! Personally I do think views mean something with *less* engagement because ultimately if something is written, it’s usually written to inform and that doesn’t need a comment in order to validate it. I understand it feels good, and much better if there’s more chatter around the content we create, but it’s not worthless if there’s little engagement. x

  15. Loved this, a great discussion post! I agree with you, I prefer engagement over views. Like you, I love seeing comments on my blog they make me super happy because to me it shows that people have actually read your blog post and that’s the main reason that people blog.. so others read it! I also love having a little conversation with others in the comments, it’s fun and a good way to connect with other bloggers too!

    Chloe xx

  16. I’m definitely with you that views mean nothing without engagement! Yes it’s impressive if you can get a 100,000 views a month but what’s the point if no one is actually reading your post and leaving a comment? I also blog for a hobby so views don’t mean that much to me, but when I see others leaving a comment on my post, it makes me feel good that I wrote a post people enjoyed!

    Tales of Belle

    1. I completely agree! I don’t think the views mean much without engagement. I’d love 100,000 views but if that doesn’t come with engagement, I’d feel like that is really telling.

  17. I’ve never really thought of it much which seems ridiculous but I just write because I love to, if people see it that’s fab, if I get to work with my favourite brands that’s even better but I’d still be writing either way xx

  18. Absolutely engagement! I agree wholeheartedly – what’s the point of writing a blog nobody actually reads. The GA stat on time spent on page is also telling. You can see if the visit has just been a “click through” or whether the visitor has actually read your post and even better, moved onto another page. Thanks so much for sharing this

  19. I struggle with engagement; possibly it’s a part of being Autistic – I see that someone has left me a comment and there is a part of me that straight out panics because I’m not sure how to respond, if I always have to respond or if I can just like their comment….social stuff is hard for me.
    Don’t get me wrong – I get excited that someone took time out of their day for me as well, I just worry that I don’t respond in the correct way.
    I am probably naive in that I think if someone has viewed then they have read – probably I hold that belief because that is what I do. I often struggle to think of something meaningful to comment so I just read and click like (it makes interacting with comment threads on twitter difficult at times and I do feel a lot of guilt over it).

    I do like to think that I have reached people though and my favourite thing is when people comment on my recipes that they can’t wait to try it. I think I would probably burst with excitement if anyone ever tagged me with a picture of them trying out one of my recipes. I think that would actually be the most amazing thing ever!

    1. I definitely think that if you don’t have anything to say about a post there’s not really any need to comment. But when replying to comments, even just a “thank you for commenting” is good!

  20. GIRL. I AM SO WITH YOU. THANK GOD there is someone else out there!!! Haha.

    I’m getting so disillusioned by the blogging world because of this. Everyone’s so set on getting loads of traffic from pinterest, or getting loads of traffic from SEO (both important) but I go on some of these blogs that have enough traffic to have earned mediavine, and not a comment anywhere. On any blog posts. So while I will probably never get mediavine-worthy traffic, I get loads of comments on every post, and I much prefer that! But it does suck because the numbers DO mean something – like getting mediavine, or having enough followers on Instagram to warrant sponsored content. Which, to me, is exactly what’s wrong with the industry unfortunately. It’s all about numbers and nothing else.

    1. Ooooh I totally agree with this. Although blogging is my job and I am lucky enough to work with a lot of brands, I also think that that’s the fundamental issue with this industry. I also don’t understand for the life of me these big bloggers with literally no comments, surly that defeats the point?

  21. I agree with you Jenny! I noticed my views are not as high as others but I get tons of interaction on my blog than Instagram. Engagement means something, it says your audience is interested and not just looking at your site. It’s kind of comforting know people really like my content because they take time to read my posts. I cherish comments and will always repay the favor, even if it takes me two weeks!

    Natonya | https://justnatonya.wordpress.com

  22. What fantastic thoughts, Jenny! Of course, we all want views… we need the views to GET the engagement. But I’m with you in that if a whole bunch of eyes hit my pages but no one wants to talk about it, it’s disheartening. Great discussion.

  23. Another great post as always hun.. I’ve noticed that engagement rates have gone down overall lately, I’m not sure why but it’s always encouraging when everyone is communicating with each other xx

  24. I’m so glad you wrote this blog. I actually feel worse when there are lots of view but low engagement – does that mean they read it and it sucked? I blog for the joy of it so I’m far more interested in engagement – I’m not selling anything, just sharing so its more important to me to know that someone else related to my content than a bunch of people viewing it who didn’t but I can see view numbers being more critical if there is income at stake and you are seeking broader exposure. Great blog topic!

    1. I agree with you when you said that you feel worse when views are higher but engagement isn’t. I’m exactly the same! My blog is my job, so it’s a really tricky thing for me. I need/want the views for the sake of income but engagement always trumps.

  25. I prefer engagement on my blog posts but I definitely get excited when one of my posts gets a lot of views. I personally don’t get much engagement so I’m going to work on creating better relationships with my readers

  26. I agree with you entirely on this! Seeing my likes and receiving comments is what makes it all worth it to me. Yes, views are great and I’m thrilled to see mine are increasing. But what is more encouraging is that my engagement is also improving: like you, I want my posts to mean something to someone and that shows people actually care, rather than just flicking on and off. Great post.

  27. Interesting post Jenny. I think engagement is better than views; I love to know that people are rrading my blog and enjoying my content. It still brings a huge smile to my face when I see a new comment or like pop up in my WordPress app.

  28. I also cherish comments and likes way more than views. Sometimes, there can be many likes and comments under my post and relatively very few views and it’s still more satisfying, than getting thousands of views of annonymous people. Also, do you also wonder sometimes if there is anyone who constantly reads your blogs, but never comments or read likes? I’m such a reader of several blogs and I wonder if there is anyone reading every post on mine 🙂 Great post, you gave us all a lot to think about.

      1. From your comment section I deduce you already have even more than 30 dedicated readrs. You can count me in, as I really enjoyed reading your post and wiill be browsing through older ones too.

  29. This is a really interesting post on an equally as interesting topic. I guess it depends what you are blogging for, what your goals are etc.. I think I’m with you on this, where I would rather have interaction through comments and get to know my readers than have someone click read and leave. I find it nice creating a conversation with my readers.

    It’s certainly disappointing when your views are low or lower than you were hoping, but if you’re creating content you enjoy and have a handful of people who enjoy reading you are achieving quite a lot.

    Thanks for sharing this, it’s definitely given me something to think about.

    Hannah | theartofskincare.co.uk

    1. It definitely does depend on your blogging goals etc. I blog as a job now, so I have to focus on views etc. But I still PREFER the engagement. I think brands definitely need to change the way they approach things because millions of views doesn’t always mean benefits for brands.

  30. I’m torn on this one, to be honest. As a blogger, I want both views AND engagement. But I prefer engagement. I love helping people, so when they feel compelled to comment, it makes me feel good! It’s what I’m HERE for.

    Yet, as a reader of blogs, I’m a lurker. I don’t comment often, so page views do matter for those out there like me! Plus, 90% of commenters are other bloggers.

  31. I definitely think engagement is as important (if not more important) than views. It shows that people enjoy your content and are more likely to keep returning to your blog.

    When I first started blogging (back in 2012) I used to love commenting on blogs and getting comments in return. I still try to comment on blog posts I love, although a lot of the time I find it easier to send a quick tweet or Instagram comment instead.

    I also pay attention to my blog’s bounce rate in Google Analytics. I’d rather have a smaller amount of traffic and a low bounce rate, than a large amount of traffic and a bounce rate that’s sky high!

  32. Engagement is definitely a key part of blogging – I love engaging with other bloggers & I feel so happy when they leave comments on my blog or reply to tweets etc! Don’t get me wrong, it’s nice to get lots of views too. But engagement is definitely better xx

  33. Thats one thing I’ve noticed about the ‘bigger bloggers’, they have their blue ticks on Twitter and probably hundreds of thousands of views a month but hardly any comments/engagement!
    Always makes me wonder why… xx

  34. Love this Jenny! I personally prefer engagement, because that way I can get some feedback n my posts, and figure out if people like what I am writing or not.

  35. I totally agree with this post! I’ve seen bloggers of instagrammers with loads of followers and views but with hardly any engagement and that’s not how I’d like my blog to be. I do still think about the numbers a lot but I do get a good amount of engagement so I’m happy with that! X

  36. I think I would have to agree with you on the engagement front. I think getting a comment or like on a post is much more rewarding, as the person has usually read the post and scrolled right to the bottom to leave a comment. (I know there are people who just comment meaningless stuff to get a comment back). I guess you don’t really get a notification with blog views as you would other interactions, apart from milestones etc.

    On the contrary, though, I do like seeing the blog views going up when I do look at my stats.

    Fab post!

    Aimsy xoxo

  37. We believe engagement is so important! In our eyes, if people are reading and engaging then are the views worth it? The reason we started blogging was to spark engagement with us and that makes us the happiest!

  38. Such an interesting topic. Me personally, I’d rather have the engagement because, like you, it means so much that someone has stopped by to read what I sweated blood to create and something in my burble has resonated with them. It makes it all worthwhile. But I know brands and businesses will go for views, which I guess makes sense, because they want to get their products seen. The higher the views, the more chances to get seen. High views might not lead to high sales but low views definitely won’t either. As another commenter said, ideally, I’d love a mix of both! Great post, Jenny! X

    Lisa | http://www.lisasnotebook.com

  39. I’m with you too. I can’t say I get a gazillion views or comments, but I know I am much happier to get comment notifications than I am seeing the views on my dashboard. The views are interesting just to see what kind of posts people are looking for, but they don’t mean anything if there are no comments or even likes.

  40. Can I be greedy and have both? 😂
    I miss having conversations in the comments but my posts are not exactly ‘comment friendly’ Most of bloggers that I’m close with is on IG so we interact a lot on the app

      1. Really? I feel like there are certain posts that hard to comment on especially the posts that you couldn’t relate to/understand

      2. That’s cool! I always find myself loss on words lol lie even if I want to comment on something, I’d overthink and re-edit the whole thing and ended up not commenting

  41. I think I would rather have the engagement over the views or at least with. I used to be quite terrible at reading blog posts but I was partly too lazy to comment and also it caused anxiety at not knowing what to comment. Silly I know. I have gotten so much better at it and I always comment on blog posts that I read now. Plus, I make sure to say more than a few words. I probably say too much in comments now. 😀 haha

    Sarah 🌺 || Boxnip || Latest Post

  42. I think stats are great for sending to publishers and that’s just about it. As a book blog, I need high views to be able to show interested parties – but as the person behind the blog, I want the engaged audience. I’m really bad at remembering to reply to comments, and always feel guilty when I can’t think of something to say if someone comments on my post. I also often don’t have the time to comment on others, so I understand where low comments come from. I try and choose a day every week to spend some time commenting on posts, rather than just reading them (like I do every day), but for the most part my method is really inefficient as I’m only commenting on certain people’s who happen to post on that Tuesday rather then a really good blog post I read a few days ago that is now too far down on my feed to find.

    1. I think when you’re so busy, you can only do what you can do. We don’t all have time to be commenting on posts 24 hours a day for sure! I use comment swaps as a way to keep on top of blogs I like / follow to make sure I’m commenting on their posts. I used to be a book blogger but I never really had to worry about the amount of views of anything when it came to publishers – I think times have SERIOUSLY changed in the book blogging world since then! But I can relate because a lot of brands now want to know your stats.

  43. I agree with you, views just mean people have clicked on a link and your page appeared, but it doesn’t mean they have read your article, or that they were actually interested. I’d happily give up half my views for sincere and interesting interactions with others. I’m lucky to have amazing blogging friends who support me and comment as much as they can, even if something it’s just a little note to let me know they’ve liked the post.

    1. Yep I totally agree. Even if ALL the clicks through to your blog do equate to someone reading your post, it’s still no indication of whether they enjoyed it or what you’re doing well!

  44. Totally agree. I’d rather someone read and enjoyed my post and took their time to tell me that than have 1000 of views.

    I’m a long way off the big monthly views but my comment numbers are pretty high which makes me really happy 😊🥰

  45. Another really interesting topic you’ve covered here! I agree that without any comments I don’t feel views are enough. Pinterest is great for me when it comes to bringing traffic to my blog but without the engagement it doesn’t feel like I’ve really succeeded as a blogger if that makes sense.

    Love Lozza xo

  46. As a small blogger, I LOVE when I get a comment 🙂 Especially when someone says they like my art work it really makes me happy. My blog posts reach views of normally around the 100 mark – I would like some more views, but I am actually more happy when I get more comments – it’s nice when someone takes time to write something!

    thanks for this post – makes me feel better about my views!



  47. For me my blog is super personal and niched in such a way, but I love the messages of other hippies going through the same thing asking advice and want support too. I’m lucky I have blogging friends that although my content is no way related to them, still comment and show some love, I love these guys!! They mean the whole world to me xx

  48. I agree with you too and I see it too, bloggers with a heavy following but nobody comments. I know why that is though, it is usually bloggers who never comment themselves on other people’s blogs though so I think it’s only natural others don’t either. I’d rather have less followers but more comments and likes 🙂

  49. I completely agree! If I’m honest I don’t even really track views – I know it goes up when I post and it smaller when I don’t and that’s fine. Like you it’s comments and likes that really mean something to me so that’s what I’ll work on if I find my numbers dropping… Receiving comments is exciting! A view is just a view, it doesn’t give you any idea as to whether the person viewing the content actually appreciated what you wrote (and to be honest, if someone is getting tons of views but no engagement then that suggests that their audience isn’t actually that into what they write, and I don’t think I’d want to be in that position personally)

    1. I definitely agree for the most part. A lot of high SEO posts will get loads of views and it’s clearly something that a lot of people need to search for but with no feedback? Well you have no idea what you’ve done well!

  50. I agree! Why spend hours writing something that people read but don’t bother leaving feedback on? I personally lvoe engagement so that I can engage back! Who cares if I have 100 views a day on my site if people are popping on, skimming and popping off again without saying BOO!?

    Wonderful post as always love!

  51. I love seeing that people have read by blog but I do feel disheartened at the lack of engagement. It leaves me wondering if I have wrote content people like, if it’s actually been read. I think I would rather have the engagement than the views personally.

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