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One of my most popular topics on my blog is the blog posts I create around blogging itself. Over the last few years, those types of posts have grown and grown in popularity and you’ll definitely have seen a rise in bloggers talking about blogging. There are always new bloggers joining this community and there will always be people looking for advice. So today I wanted to share some blog topic ideas around the theme of blogging itself.

Blog Topic Ideas

Some of my most viewed posts are blogging related posts. Clearly these types of posts do well because there’s always going to be a blogger out there searching for the information that you’re providing. So in that respect, my readers and I have got a pretty good mutual understanding. You like reading posts about blogging. I like writing them.

Related reads: 

And they’re some of my favourite posts to read too. I love learning from other bloggers, finding out about their blogging journeys and taking tips from bloggers who have much more knowledge of a particular area of blogging than I do. Blog posts about blogging will always be in demand and will always be read. There are always new bloggers entering this industry and everyone has to start somewhere.

Recommended resources:

Blog Topic Ideas

Here are 25 blog topic ideas around the theme of blogging:

  1. Why I Started Blogging
  2. X Things I’ve Learnt in X Years of Blogging
  3. My Blogging Goals for the Next Year
  4. 5 Dream Brands I’d Love to Work With
  5. 10 Bloggers I’m Loving at the Moment
  6. 10 Tips for New Bloggers I Wish I Had Known
  7. My Go-To Apps and Websites for Blogging
  8. How I Stay Organised With My Blog
  9. My Daily Blogging Routine
  10. My Blogging Pet Peeves
  11. 10 Things I Love About Blogging
  12. My Long Term Blogging Goals
  13. Blogging Essentials I Couldn’t Live Without
  14. Social Media Tips (Twitter/Facebook/Pinterest/Instagram)
  15. How I Take My Blog Photos
  16. Mistakes I’ve Made With My Blog and How You Can Avoid Them
  17. Books / Podcasts / Resources That Have Helped Me With My Blog
  18. How I Stayed Motivated With My Blog
  19. Monthly Blogging Stats / Income Report
  20. 20 Inspirational Quotes To Get You Motivated With Your Blog
  21. A Detailed Tips Post On An Area of Blogging You Excel At (SEO/WordPress/HTML etc)
  22. How I Plan Blog Content and Come Up With Post Ideas
  23. My Proudest Blogging Achievements
  24. A ‘How To’ Style Post
  25. 25 Beauty/Lifestyle/Travel etc Blog Post Ideas

Blog Topic Ideas

I hope you found these blog topic ideas helpful! Do you like to blog about blogging?


  1. This post is really very helpful for new bloggers like me to get some blog post ideas. Thanks, keep posting such great posts.

  2. I’m blogging about my journey if that counts as blogging about blogging haha! Anyway, great ideas.

    I’m hoping to achieve as much as you one day! I’m trying to push out 1-3 quality articles per week even with a full time job

  3. I always find blog posts about blogging interesting. I like these ideas for blog posts! It is good to have a good variety of posts on your blog, even if the viewers aren’t necessarily all bloggers. Thanks for sharing these ideas – I think as bloggers, there is enough room for success and it is important for us to share ideas with each other.

    Nancy ♥

  4. Every now & then I write blogging related posts & I do agree that they tend to do well in terms of views & engagement. I’ll use this list as inspiration for future posts 😊

    Tales of Belle

  5. I love this – definitely one to bookmark for the times when inspiration dries up. Funnily enough I read this, and then got the first idea I’ve had for a while about something completely different, so consider me inspired!

  6. These are fantastic ideas Jenny, thank you for the inspiration! Reading your list, I feel like there are so many posts I could write in the future, this has really given me so much motivation, definitely a page to bookmark for sure! Also, just gotta say your blogging posts are always packed with so many useful ideas and suggestions, I always know I’ll find something helpful when you post one 🙂 Fab post, thanks for sharing! <3 xxx

    Bexa |

  7. There are so many great ideas here – I’m always looking to expand my ‘blogging’ category but never sure what to write! I love the idea of writing a post on bloggers I follow – this is a great way to connect and promote others in the community too! xxx


  8. Great post! I’m definitely saving this for later. And you’re right—there is a huge demand, and posts like these are helping others. I’d call it a win-win, though writing what you care about is a top priority. Thanks for sharing!

  9. These are lovely ideas, and although they are aimed at the “blogger who blog about blogging” crowd, I like that there still quite a few here that I know I’d like to write sometime!

  10. Some amazing suggestions here. I always enjoy reading your blogging related posts and I think that there’s such a huge variety of blogging topics that could be spoken about. I’m a huge fan of blogging pet peeves posts x


  11. These are some great ideas, and it’s great of you to share them with others. It is always great to have a list of ideas tucked away for those days when you’re not feeling inspired. I love reading posts about blogging since I’m new to it they’re helpful and inspiring. Thanks for sharing your ideas. 😀

  12. I can always rely on you for a list of helpful topcs to kick my writers block into touch! I love the dream brands one, I have such a long list I’d have to split it up, haha. Funnily enough, I was planning on doing a blog in June (not tim left this month!) about how blogging is helping my freelance career, which kinda links in with your X Things I’ve Learnt in X Years of Blogging. I’ll keep you posted! Thank you Jenny 🙂

    Lisa |

  13. Fab post Jenny! I always enjoy reading your posts about blogging so it’s great you are sharing ideas for others 🙂

  14. I to have experienced good readership from writing about blogs. My only poem about blogging and out of this article I plan now to go to make some positive poetry. Blogging has changed my life for the better. Thank you Happiness Engineers for working had with my experience for the better. Your work has made sure I could afford my three blogs.

  15. Thank you for another great blog post. Enjoying reading your advises and posts. Sometimes we encounter writers block or lack of writing materials, and your list is a good one to keep in mind. Giangi

  16. I find even though I have been blogging for a while I still look for and read posts about blogging as there is always something new to learn. I have found your seo and da post so helpful and really help me understand it all. So I am grateful for your posts! These are fantastic ideas, if I use any of these I will be sure to credit you in my post! Thank you for sharing Jenny xx

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