Despite very adamantly saying that blogging is not the hardest job in the world in last month’s blogging pet peeves post, there’s absolutely no doubt that blogging can be stressful. So much baggage comes with putting yourself online. Let alone trying to build a readership and sometimes a business at the same time. So it’s important to look after your well-being as a blogger.

I realise to non-bloggers that might sound very “generation snowflake” but unless you’re a blogger yourself, you won’t really understand the extent of what’s involved. Blogging is great. There’s a reason so many people make careers out of it. But it also comes with a lot of sh*t. And can make huge mental and physical affects on you.

You need to look after your well-being in any walk of life. But blogging is what I know so here are 7 ways to look after your well-being as a blogger:

Nip the comparison flower in the bud early

Comparing yourself to every other blogger on the planet is fucking exhausting. Trust me. It makes you feel like utter crap and you end up not working to the best of your ability because you’re so preoccupied with how envious you are of everyone.

Jealousy doesn’t have to be a negative emotion. You can certainly make it work to your advantage and small doses of jealousy and envy can even make you work harder and better. But that all-consuming jealousy that comes on every now and again won’t serve you in any way.

Concentrate on your achievements, not your failures

This ties in quite well with the above. Seeing so many people achieve amazing things when you don’t personally feel like you’re achieving much at all, well that’s just kick-you-in-the-crotch-spit-on-your-neck-fantastic. Chances are, you have actually achieved bloody incredible things. But you’re blindsided by everyone else.

Celebrating your own achievements is something I do by the bucketful. Whether it’s tweeting about a milestone you’ve just hit or just privately noting it down in your journal. It’s a really important factor in how to look after your well-being as a blogger. Mental well-being in particular.

But learn from them in a healthy way

And you need to know right from the get-go that not everything will be a success. Sometimes you will fail miserably but that’s okay. We’ve all done it. I started a whole business which I closed down because I ended up resenting it. I’m not ashamed of that because it was a huge learning curve.

So, it’s worth just knowing now that you will fuck up. You’ll try something and it won’t work. You’ll start a new series on your blog that doesn’t get the reaction you hoped for. You’ll have an idea for a project which you’ll give up on. Whatever it is, accept the failure. Take the lessons from it. And move on. Don’t dwell.


Remember that the mute and block buttons are your best friends

People online just LOVE to give unwanted advice or make useless nasty comments. And those people are who the mute and block buttons were made for. I’ve really utilized the mute button over the last year and it’s helped me SO much. Of course I’ve muted people who are problematic but also people who just downright annoy me.

And that’s OKAY. It’s okay to mute someone or block someone who impacts your mental well-being negatively. You don’t even have to give a reason. That’s the beauty of the internet.

Look After Your Well-being As a Blogger

Prioritize social media down time

This can be a toughie, especially if blogging (or any other online profession like social media manager) is your job. And probably on I struggle with the most. But if you’re ALWAYS on social media for your blog (which is fine), I think it’s worth setting some boundaries.

For example, I have my screen time limits set for 9pm. So all social media apps get turned off at 9. Of course I can override them if I really need to but I really try not to. At least this gives me from 9pm to focus on other things and there are less distractions when I’m trying to spend time with my boyfriend (who works long hours) too.

Have other hobbies

Another one I struggle with quite a lot (see I’m not perfect despite what you might think… *wink*). Blogging is an amazing hobby as it is. But whether it’s your hobby or your job, for the sake of your own well-being, I think its important to have other hobbies beside blogging to fall back on.

If the internet broke forever tomorrow, you’d be a bit stuck, basically. I tend to get a bit all-consumed by blogging. Which is good during working hours because it means I love what I’m doing. But as soon as I stop, I struggle to do anything else. But I love reading and gaming in particular, which I want to make more time for!

Move your body

And finally, a physical one. If you love blogging as much as I do and particularly if it’s your job, you’re going to be spending a LOT of time at your computer. It’s important to look after you well-being as a blogger both mentally and physically. So if like me, you’re just a potato, then make sure you move your body and have breaks!

As you know, I love Yoga. And it really breaks up my day and helps my productivity in the long run. But you can always go for a run or try and fit in a fitness class a couple of times a week too! Your blog will still be there when you get back. And you’ll feel better.

How do you look after your well-being as a blogger? Do you do any of the above or have any other handy tips to share?

Wanna get involved? Join my supportive Facebook bloggers group, Starlight Bloggers!


  1. I LOVE the mute button because, unlike the block button, Twitter users can’t see that you’ve muted them (I don’t think?!) so it doesn’t cause any unnecessary drama!

  2. I hope you haven’t muted me… haha! I’d understand if you did tbh I annoy myself so much on social media that my downtime turning on is actually a blessing! You’re so right though, muting and blocking is there for a reason. I’ve also always struggled with comparison which makes me lazy and inconsistent, but I love that you’ve reminded me to celebrate what I have achieved. I tend to forget about that and I need to be more grateful! (And also I am a huge potato so thank you for encouraging me to move more!)
    Beth x Adventure & Anxiety

  3. This is a great post because even if you’re just blogging for fun, it takes so much work to run your blog & it can impact your well-being.
    Since my master’s program is online plus I have my blog, I’m on my laptop A LOT so I definitely agree with spending time outside. My daughter’s kindergarten is a 30 minute walk away so I’m out for around an hour before getting to work on everything then an hour after & of course I have lunch break.
    I also agree with having hobbies outside of blogging! I love blogging, but some days I just need a break & so like you I like to read or play video games!

    Tales of Belle

  4. I find having set hours to work helps me. Down time from social media is so important for my mental health though. I could have a more consistent online presence though.

  5. Oooh, the comparison thing is an horrendous problem to have. It makes you feel awful whenever you post something and the engagement is poor. I’ve been taking more social media breaks during the day so fingers crossed!

    Daisy xoxo | TheDeeWhoLived

  6. As a author and a blogger this is great advice, you have to look after yourself. I’ve gone back to painting as a hobby and have filled sketchbooks with drawing. xxx

  7. I am definitely somebody who focus on their failures and not their achievements, it’s something I certainly need to work on! I usually stay away from social media in the evenings when I’m having down time, it’s good to keep away from it for a part of your day xx

    Lucy |

  8. Oh my Goodness, you do not know how much I needed to read this post today!! Even after 4 years, I feel the comparison bug creep in and it’s just so unhealthy and toxic!

  9. The “kick-you-in-the-crotch-spit-on-your-neck-fantastic” reference is my favvvv :’) One of the reasons I look up to you as a blogger is because you celebrate your own achievements!! I think that’s amazing, and I know it’s part of the reason why I like to do the same–whether on social media or privately. Taking time off from staring at Twitter or Instagram does wonders; I’m totally with you there. All of these self-care tips are amazing!!

  10. I one hundred percent agree girl, mute and block buttons in my years of blogging have come in so handy, sometimes you really don’t need to see certain things and some people are just full of bad vibes haha. I’ve also found that steering away from the numbers game has helped me so much, it’s so easy to get bogged down in it!
    Kayleigh Zara 🌿

  11. My biggest thing is to remember to relax. As a book blogger, I often freak out when my TBR gets too big and I fall behind on review copies, like the publishers are going to be disappointed in me or something, so I have to remember it’s not that serious and life happens.

  12. Comparison is the big one I deal with. I am constantly second guessing myself because someone else is doing something, and getting better results. There’s no point because everyone grows at their own pace. I also struggle with downtime, but luckily my boyfriend has convinced me to give Minecraft a go. The stress reducing results have been amazing.

  13. Love these, especially the part about blocking and deleting and having other hobbies! Great tips. Thanks for a good post. I’m not a new blogger by any means, but even I forget to do this stuff sometimes.

  14. These are all such amazing tips! I definitely agree with nipping the comparison game in the bud early- I think we’re all guilty of it sometimes. I’m guilty of not having any other hobbies though, blogging just takes up so much time!
    Soph – x

  15. Really useful advice! I’m quite new to this. My top tip is don’t get waylaid blogging about what you think people want, just write about the things you are passionate about. That way blogging never has to be a chore. Great article, I can’t wait to read more of your stuff!

  16. I need to stop the comparison game and I think I would be happier. Also not being so tough on myself and impatient

  17. Great tips as always! Social media is the one I struggle with the most – I’d got really good at avoiding it but once I started my blog I haven’t been able to get off it! Even with scheduling tools I still feel like I’m not helping my blog to grow if I’m not on it and I need to get it into my head that I don’t need to be growing it constantly and it’s perfectly okay to take a break. I might take your advice for switching everything off at 9pm (though I think I’ll need to redownload Offtime to keep me from being sneaky haha)

  18. These are some great tips!
    I think it’s hard for non-bloggers to understand how stressful it can be.

    I especially like your tip on setting screen time limits. I really need to start doing this.

    I know I’ve been guilty in the past of comparing myself to other bloggers, but the longer I’ve been blogging the more I’ve found my groove. Now I only click publish on posts which I’m proud of, and that’s definitely helped me.

  19. Great list, Jen. 🙂

    Over the last year, I deleted all my social media except for Facebook and Pinterest. For me, having so many makes me feel obligated to spend more time talking to people than on my blog or writing.

    With less points of contact, I actually find myself able to focus more. x

  20. Love these, being new as a blogger I find myself getting into the computing trap. It’s easy to be hard on yourself when you aren’t getting the exposure you hoped for. We are our own worst critics

  21. I am so so guilty of the comparison game! But I’ve learned to turn it around in my favour – as I’ve started to understand more of the mechanics behind views, followers etc I’m able to look and go “oh, they manage to spend a lot more time online interacting than I do” or “oh they manage to juggle multiple SM which I can’t” and for me that becomes comforting as I recognise my own limitations

    Fortunately (unfortunately?) my body doesn’t let me sit still for too long (partly because I don’t have a good workspace) so I get up and at least have a little stretch in my room a minimum of once an hour 😀

  22. This is such a great list Jenny!

    Since I’m still quite new, I’ve been experimenting a lot lately and like you’ve said some things work and others don’t – it’s not the end of the world.

    I could definitely do with taking your advice on setting social media boundaries and utilising that mute button. Some people aren’t worth the stress.

    Thanks for sharing these great tips.

    Hayley |

  23. Thank you so much for reminding us to look at our achievements more than we look at our failures! It can be hard to do especially at the beginning and it’s something that I’m working on lately!

  24. This is great. I’m new to blogging and initially the scope of work (further to just writing, which is what I actually wanted to do) and success of others was mentally and emotionally over whelming.
    But I’ve found a community of really supportive people, and come to realise that, even so early in my journey, I already have wins to celebrate.

  25. Loving all of these tips! Especially about comparison, because that’s sooo tough not to do and easy to get caught up in, but can be so detrimental! Thanks for sharing!

  26. Such a great post. It’s so easy to get caught up with feeling we should constantly be working on our blogs – as we know, it never stops!! I definitely need to take some of this advice, especially the social media one!

  27. Such a great post, Jenny! Blogging can get quite overwhelming at times, so it’s good to know when to step back and take care of yourself. I love that you set screen time limits everyday, that’s such a good way to switch off. I need to try this too! Definitely agree with having breaks and other hobbies too, that way it keeps blogging fresh and interesting when you return. Fab advice, thanks for sharing! <3 xx

    Bexa |

  28. All of these are so important! I’m constantly comparing myself to other bloggers and to start with it really got me down to the point where I thought why should I even bother. But reading through everyone else’s experiences has taught me that we’re all in the same boat and that we all have to start somewhere! Great advice as always 🙂
    Amy |

  29. Ah, the mute & block button, I use the mute more than anything because it’s just easier & less hassle.I will only block if I absolutely have to and I’ve only had to do that with men who are creeping on me…because ewww!

    Sarah 🌺 || Boxnip || Latest Post

  30. Yes to down time (which I’ve tried to embrace recently) and also to not comparing myself to others because that way madness lies. You’re right, a little jealousy can be a powerful motivator but it’s also very easy to get pulled down too. Fab tips, Jenny! X

    Lisa |

  31. Thanks for sharing this list. The blogging world is a tough one and it’s so easy to fall into the traps of comparison. It’s difficult to present yourself as sort of like ‘all-round perfect’ person, when in reality you are just normal. Taking time off and recharging is super important.
    Laura /

  32. Great post Jenny! It’s all about scheduling time and having something else to take your mind off blogging. Otherwise it

    For me there’s more to my life than being a travel blogger. Exercise and fitness is a big passion of mine and I’m finding ways to incorporate that into my content and social media but also keeping it relevant to travelling and blogging at the same time. I don’t like it when people only see me as a travel blogger and not a human being because I wasn’t born a blogger.

    Johnny | Johnny’s Traventures

  33. Great list! I think I’ve felt all of these at some point and the best thing in those situations is definitely to take a step back and just focus on ourselves – somebody out there is reading our blogs and whether that be one or one thousand, we’re clearly doing something right! x

  34. Brilliant list. I know we have all felt these things. I don’t do jealousy but I am constantly comparing myself to other bloggers, which becomes a slippery slope in to a pretty dark place.

    I really need to follow the advice about Social media as well.

    Great post again Jenny x

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