GIFTED | If you wanna know something about me, it’s that I absolutely LOVE a good series. I mean, that’s hardly groundbreaking, most of us do but I get through TV series like I get through hot dinners. I think getting into a new series which totally immerses you is one of the best feelings. The characters begin to feel like friends, the settings become as familiar to you as your own house and when that series ends, you genuinely don’t know how you’re going to manage without watching it every day. I’d pick a series over a movie any day of the week.

I’ve done plenty of series recommendation type posts before but my series watching moves so incredibly fast that I always have something new to talk about or recommend! So strap in, here are some series I’ve been absolutely loving recently, semi-recently or just some firm favourites which you should check out!

The Umbrella Academy

At the time of writing, this is my most recently viewed series and it was fantastic. A really unique story-line, with great characters and an incredible soundtrack!

Dirty John

If you’ve seen ‘You’ then you’ll like Dirty John. But Joe from you is like a puppy dog compared to John. A really chilling and intense series which I just loved.


Guess who took 5 years to jump on the Luther bandwagon? This gal. Yes, I know I’m late to the party but I’ve recently finished all I can of Luther on Netflix and as Crime series go, this is probably one of the best!

The Haunting of Hill House

This was my favourite series I watched in 2018 and my boyfriend and I recently re-watched the entire thing because we love it so much. It’s going to take a lot to beat Hill house and it’s residents.

Russian Doll

For something fun, with plenty of dark comedy, Russian Doll is THE series for it. Natasha Lyonne is complete perfection and Russian Doll is definitely up there with my favourites.

Grace and Frankie

I could harp on about Grace and Frankie all day and why everyone should watch it. The latest series was released earlier this year and it keeps up with the same humour and charm right since the beginning.

Sex Education

Sex Education took the world by storm and it’s not a surprise! A weird present day / 1970’s British/American but set in Wales setting and environment but with humour and topics which transcend time and place. It was just perfect.

And what better snack to munch on along with your favourite series than popcorn? Which is lucky because today I also have loads of incredibly flavours from Popcorn Shed to share with you, which were kindly sent to me for a feature. I’ve tried a couple of Popcorn Shed flavours before but I’ll briefly share my thoughts on all the flavours below!

Berry-licious (Caramel and raspberry with dark chocolate): Hands down my favourite out of all of them. You get a really beautiful kick of raspberry as soon as you bite into it!

Pecan Pie (Caramel with pecan nut pieces): My boyfriend and I have tried these ones before and really enjoyed them. They’re not too sweet but just right.

Butterly Nuts (Peanut butter and caramel with peanuts): If you like peanut butter then you’ll LOVE these! I did. Very peanutty – which is good, obviously!

Salted Caramel (Salted caramel with milk chocolate): I love anything salted caramel flavour so I loved these ones too. I’m not very picky when it comes to food and flavours… in case you couldn’t tell.

Sweet Cheesus (A mix of cheddar cheese and caramel): Well this was an interesting mix! Can’t say these would be for everyone but it’s a nice mix of sweet and savour if you can’t make up your mind!

Say Cheese! (Cheddar cheese): Very unusual – I’ve never had cheese flavoured popcorn before and they were an interesting flavour! I love cheese and these were cheese-Y! But got a little sickly for me after a while!

Pop’n’Choc (Chocolate and caramel with milk chocolate): I love these ones! I’ve tried them before and chocolate popcorn is the ONE.

Popcorn Shed come in the handy 80g boxes, which are perfect for sharing during a movie or TV series (pffft!) or the snack size 16g bags, which are ideal to grab and go with. I love the huge range of flavours that Popcorn Shed create – they’re a far cry from your bog standard ‘sweet or salty?’ at the cinema! All their flavours are gluten free and made with natural ingredients. Double win!

What series are you watching at the moment? Any recommendations? And have you tried Popcorn Shed before? Which flavours from those mentioned above would you love to try? Let me know!

* Products in this post were sent to me in exchange for a feature. All thoughts and opinions are my own.


  1. I think the Haunting of Hill House is one of the scariest yet most beautiful series out right now. Some of the episodes reminded me of a dark fairy tale. I loved it.

    I’m not one for sweet popcorn, but that cheese one sounds so good!

  2. Coincidentally was planning on starting to watch The Umbrella Academy and Russian Doll next week. Heard so much about them!

    Have you watched The OA? Season 2 is airing now and I plan on re-watching the first season before binging on it. It’s really weird and interrsting!

  3. I loved Sex Education too! It was so good and easy to watch yet it represented things you don’t always see on Netflix really well. This popcorn looks amazing and I would love to try it out, it would look awesome in a self care hamper or as a present!

  4. I’ve watched all of those except for The Umbrella Academy and Sex Education but both are on my ‘to watch’ list. The popcorn looks amazing! 😀

    Sarah 🌺 || Boxnip

  5. The Haunting of Hill House is a show I really need to watch! My husband has been watching Luther and hasn’t stopped raving about it! The popcorn looks delicious too – the perfect companion to a binge watch!xxx


  6. The popcorn looks so good, I’d love to try the peanut butter ones, they sound so yummy! I love watching series too, it’s so good when you start watching something and you get really immersed in it and its all you wanna watch. I have Umbrella Academy on my list, it looks so good so I can’t wait to watch that!

    Chloe xx

  7. Luther is such a good show! But I haven’t seen the others, which is good in a way as it gives me some new shows to binge on.

    There’s nothing better than a good binge watch and popcorn is just an added bonus. I’ve heard good things about popcorn shed but haven’t tried them yet.

  8. You’ve got some great options here – some that I have seen and some I need to check out. Plus, that popcorn looks TO DIE FOR delicious, so what better excuse to curl up and binge watch, right?

  9. We’ve recently just tried Popcorn Shed and we’re in love! The flavours are so full, not like some where it’s just a hint!

    Omg I loved Dirty John, although the ending was a tad underwhelming but a great series overall! I have yet to see most of your list but on my list to watch!

    Jessica & James |

  10. OMG it looks very tasty, maybe i have an unpopular opinion about pop corn, is not my fav jaja, but i can eat it if some one offer me, i don´t know why?… i prefer another type of snack for movie and tv. But those looks really good, i want to try pecan pien and say cheese
    About the serieses, I really enjoyed hill house, and grace and frankie it´s hillarious were my favorites last year, then i started russian doll, funny.. , and umbrella academy, i will continue watching those. I wish to see dirty john, I think Eric Banna is hot XDD. Anyway have a nice day-

    PS. I like you blog banner, looks pretty, i think i need a new one for my blog
    xo Ruzu.

  11. I used to be such a movie buff but I definitely much prefer a good series binge nowadays! I bloody love Sex Education but I’m embarrassed to admit that I haven’t seen any of these other series, oops! The popcorn flavours all sound amazing though, while I’m not the biggest fan of popcorn myself, Matt absolutely adores it and it’s basically all my sister ever eats haha, so I’ll have to show her some of these other Popcorn Shed flavours! xx

  12. Luther was amazing! Crime drama at its best, if you loved that you would probably also really like Line of Duty that was so good! Grace and Frankie is also really great, I watched the whole last season in one day! X

  13. You’ve mentioned quite a few of my recent favourites here! I just finished Umbrella Academy and the last couple of episodes were so shocking, really enjoyed it as a series. Russian Doll was awesome too, Natasha Lyonne is an amazing actress. I’ve just recently started watching Queer Eye (I’m a little late to the game with it) and I’m already addicted to it. I’m a massive fan of popcorn, it’s one of my fave snacks but I always just get sweet and salty flavour. I’d love to try some of these flavours, especially pecan pie!

    Alice x

  14. Erm, I’m slightly embarrassed to confess I haven’t seen ANY of these series, oops. We don’t have Netflix or Sky and TBH we tend not to watch that much television in the evenings, we’re both too shattered, haha. But I do love popcorn and the Peanut and Salted Caramel ones both sound delicious, something Flora would love too. I’ll have to hunt some down 🙂 xx

    Lisa |

  15. OMG these flavours sound incredible! The peanut butter and salted caramel would be my first choice, but the raspberry sound good too. The Umbrella Academy needs to have a season 2, a character like Klaus cannot be left with just 1 season 😂 great post! Xx

  16. I want to watch dirty john and sex eduction. I really enjoyed series 5 of Luther. I recently watched New Amsterdam on Amazon Prime and loved it. I love line of duty and series 5 of that comes back 31st March. I’d highly recommend it if you haven’t watched it. Im nearly finished The Good doctor series 1. have you saw it?

  17. I agree TV series over movies!!! I have just started watching the umbrella academy and I agree the soundtrack is fabulous!! And I am currently watching sex education and I am loving it!!! You have also given me some suggestions to look in to.
    Have you ever watched the Santa Clarita Diet?? (I really like that show)
    Also the berry-licious popcorn sounds lovely!!! <3

  18. I’ve started Russian Doll a few days ago but don’t know why I stopped after 2 episodes, I need to watch it till the end!! Thanks for sharing, I had never heard of some of those series xx

  19. I love popcorn! House on haunted hill was by far my favourite tv for last year. Is there a second series coming do you know?

    I really fancy Dirty John and I like you so I’m definitely going to give that a go.

    1. First of all, these pop corn pics make me drool! They look so tasty, I’m kind of jealous of you for trying them (bc we don’t have them here in Croatia).
      Second, I haven’t watch any of these series, but I do plan to start Umbrella Academy and The Hunting of Hill House.
      My favorite series is Game of Thrones.

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