GUEST POST | The new year is the perfect opportunity to think of resolutions to improve your health and give up those bad habits. As we move into twenty-twenty-four, I for one hope for a more positive and promising experience than the last number of years. At least in regard to my own precedence and personal goals.

In a pre-pandemic world, we’re seeing more people beginning to take stock of their mental and physical health and placing them higher on the list of their priorities.

For some this might mean letting go of toxic environments, making a career change or even something as severe as moving continents. But for others, it’s about making small changes to take their own well-being more seriously.

If you’re making new year’s resolutions going into twenty-twenty-four, why not step away from the generic lose weight and get more exercise? Think outside the box! When looking for ways to improve your health, it’s important to consider your whole body, inside and out. That includes your mental health and overall well-being.

But before we look at resolutions to improve your health, let’s look at the ways we can both make and stick to those all-important resolutions.

resolutions to improve your health

How to come up with and stick to life-changing resolutions:

So you’ve made the resolutions. You’ve got them in your head, you’ve said them out loud over a glass of wine and you’re ready to take on the new year! Fast forward to the second week in January and it’s all gone to pot! But don’t worry; We’ve all been there.

Keeping our resolutions is no doubt the hardest part. That’s why it’s important that your resolutions are not only realistic but also attainable. There’s no sense in promising you’ll go to the gym seven days a week if you can’t even manage one day a week. Start small, start slow and gradually build your way up.

It’s also important that you let go of the all-or-nothing mindset. Every day is a new opportunity to try again. It doesn’t have to be the start of a new year, a new week or even a new month. Resolutions can be made and started at any point in life!

Remember to start small

You can’t run before you learn to walk. Some resolutions can’t be rushed, and are more about taking baby steps than reaching the finish line. For example, if you’re aiming to hit the gym, don’t start with seven days a week. Instead, start small and aim for one. You can gradually build on this as the year goes on.

The same goes for any creative hobbies. Instead of aiming to create a masterpiece, start by simply creating one small thing a day.

For example, I plan to sketch at least once a day, but I’ve no rules as to what these have to be. They can be simple scribbles, a continuation of a previous project or even some concept sheets. As long as I put pen to program every day, I’ve done my job.

Always create a detailed plan where necessary

Some resolutions might require a more well-rounded plan. By writing out a detailed guide, you’re able to see the challenges you might face along the way.

Therefore, you’re better equipped to deal with them as they crop up. A simple example of this is getting enough sleep. Although it may seem straightforward, there’s more to it.

You may need to adjust your schedule to get your seven to eight hours. If you work shift work, this would throw another spanner in the works. But, with a detailed plan, you’re more aware of these issues and therefore you’ll be able to come up with a way to overcome them.

But don’t try to do everything!

Aim for one goal at a time. Creating and sustaining new habits and patterns take time and consistency. And if you’re doing too much all at once, it’s common to become overwhelmed. And what happens when we get overwhelmed? We give up!

So, if you’re planning on making big life changes, break them up into smaller segments and stick to one thing at a time! While it may seem slow, even checking off one goal on your list can help boost your confidence and send you rocketing onward to your goals!

Remember that some resolutions are journeys, not destinations

Unless you’re planning on physical locations or similar goals, most resolutions are journeys. That is that we need to take sustainable, consistent and constant action. And quite often there is no destination at the end of it.

For example, if you’re planning on working on your mental health or overall well-being, it’s unlikely you’ll succeed in a month or two. It might take many years for you to get to a place in your life where you feel comfortable and happy.

Even then, things can change, relapse can happen and remaining that way isn’t always guaranteed. It’s a constant journey and effort. Resolutions to improve your health apply to that too!

30+ Resolutions to improve your health in 2023!

resolutions to improve your health

1. Accept yourself.

2. Spend time in nature.

3. Work on yourself, not others.

4. Grieve fully.

5. Get enough sleep.

6. Eat a variety of foods. And enough of them.

7. Forgive yourself and others.

8. Spend some time alone.

9. Quit smoking (if you smoke).

10. Rethink dieting.

11. Help others.

12. But don’t forget to also connect with others.

13. Ask for help when you need it.

14. Practice gratitude.

15. Listen to your feelings.

16. Spend time on your hobbies.

resolutions to improve your health

17. Or find some new hobbies!

18. Remember the word ‘No.’

19. Surround yourself with positive people.

20. Go to therapy.

21. Breathe fully.

22. Take your medication as prescribed.

23. Limit your time on social media.

24. Keep a journal or a diary.

25. If you’re an artist, create one thing every day. Even if it’s just a scribble, a single sentence etc.

26. Practise kinder self-talk.

27. Go to the dentist at least once!

28. Exercise your brain with fun puzzles, crosswords and more!

29. Take the stairs more often.

30. Delegate what you can.

31. Declutter often.

32. Make lists and take on one thing at a time.

33. Hug often!

34. Open the curtains and, eventually, the windows!

Have you any additional resolutions to add? How are you planning to improve your mental health in 2023?

Nyxie is a thirty something writer with a specific interest in mental health and wellness. However, her blog expands far beyond that with articles on various lifestyle topics including  pet care and entertainment. You can find Nyxie on her blog, over on her Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.


  1. This is such a great list of things to remember! I’m making it a goal to declutter regularly next year to keep my minimalist lifestyle, and I’m aiming to keep up my therapy sessions and even work on myself a little bit.

  2. I love these resolutions you’ve suggested to improve your health in 2024 (can’t believe we’re now thinking about 2024 now!). I love how you talked about starting small and not try to do everything at once! Your body and mind takes a while to adjust to changes, so it’s important to start a new healthy habit in a slow and steady way! x

    Lucy |

  3. This is a lovely uplifting way to focus on goals for the New Year, and you have shared some great tips about how to go about setting them. I will be doing some thinking about what I want to work towards for 2024, and this will help!

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