I love Spring. Apart from my hay fever starting, I don’t think there’s a single thing I dislike about this beautiful season. Especially after such a long and miserable Winter – at least for me! It’s about time we have some new weather, new hope and new life into our year and Spring cleaning is an AMAZING way to mark that transition. So here I’ll be sharing some things to Spring clean from your life this year.

things to spring clean from your life

There are so many incredible benefits of de-cluttering, for your mind and the physical aspect of it. Even starting small, with one room or one drawer or one this from this list of things to Spring clean from your life, can allow you to experience those benefits. Some of the amazing benefits you might experience are:

  • Higher organization: the less stuff you have around, the easier it’ll be to get organized.
  • Sharper focus throughout the day: once you’ve had a major de-clutter, you’ll find you’ll be able to concentrate better for days!
  • Better sleep: with less clutter around to look at and think about, de-cluttering can even boost your sleep.
  • More creativity: less negative distractions can help boost your creativity in your work and daily life.
  • Letting go of the past: and the act of de-cluttering old stuff can help you let go of the past and things / people you don’t need.

And not to mention the physical benefits you’ll receive from de-cluttering. You’ll find that you’ll have less dust, mold and other nasty things that tend to linger around your house, which can help improve things like asthma and allergies. Heck, even the physical act of de-cluttering can end up being a workout in itself!

There’s scientifically backed evidence that de-cluttering and Spring cleaning can improve your health. So let this be the time of year where you really put that to the test and dedicated some time to these things to Spring clean from your life.

Here are 8 things to Spring clean from your life this year:

things to spring clean from your life

Facebook friends

Let’s start with a nice easy one and that’s your Facebook friends. Anyone who has Facebook will be familiar with the accumulation of people over the years; some of which you don’t align with anymore. Now is the time to cull them. If you’re struggling, check out this post on 8 Reasons To De-Clutter Your Facebook Friends.

Physical clutter

Physical clutter is the main and obvious thing we think about when it comes to Spring cleaning and this is the one that can help with those physical negative impacts of having too much clutter. If you’re overwhelmed by the prospect, start small. One room at a time. Here are some posts to help if you’re struggling to get started:

Limiting beliefs

Oh yes, we’re going there. When thinking about things to Spring clean from your life, your mind and your thoughts should always come into the equation. None of us are immune to limiting beliefs; but we ALL have the power to change them. We might just need a little help or a little nudge. This post on the work I did with Andrea Hunt might help with that!

Negative self-talk

And the first step to abolishing those limiting beliefs, is to work on your negative self-talk. More specifically, Spring clean it from your life! I know this is easier said than done and none of us can just snap our fingers and stop the negative self talk completely. There will always be times where it comes up. But knowing how to stop it in it’s tracks is the trick.

Take some time this Spring to sit down with your journal and figure out your negative self talk. What do you say to yourself most often? What negative stories do you hold about yourself? How many of those things are actually TRUE. You could even do a forgiveness ritual; forgiving yourself for all the time you’ve spent speaking negatively to yourself.

Watch lists

I think this one is probably one of the WORST for me. My watch lists always get so unreasonably long yet I never dedicate the time to actually watching any of it! Go through your watch lists on all your platforms – Netflix, Amazon Prime, NowTV, YouTube etc. – and Spring clean those watch lists, to make room for things that you ARE actually going to watch!

Toxic relationships

This isn’t as easy as just cutting people out and never talking to them again. I actually can’t stand it when people make it sound so simple and straight-forward. It NEVER is. But this year, when thinking about things to Spring clean from your life, think about your relationships.

Which ones are you holding onto tighter than you should? Which ones are negatively impacting you? Which ones deserve more care? And start to implement small acts to help mold those relationships into something that fits and something that’s beneficial. It might mean actively hanging out with someone less – but not wanting to cut them off completely. Or having that sit-down honest conversation.

Digital clutter

Ugh *blows raspberry*. I hate digital clutter. Whilst I’m generally quite good with physical clutter, when it comes to my digital space, it can get a REAL mess. And when you’re self employed and your own boss, that’s not beneficial. Some things you might want to consider Spring cleaning from your life on your digital devices are:

  • Your phone images / videos
  • Unused apps / games
  • Photos from your camera
  • Documents and files on your computer
  • Bookmarked pages


And finally, your subscriptions. Do you REALLY need all of them? Not only will this help free up space in your life and remove unnecessary clutter, it will also help you save money! So there’s a win-win. Do you still use the gym? Are you watching enough Netflix to warrant a subscription? Do you even READ that magazine you subscribe to anymore?

things to spring clean from your life this spring

Will you be having a de-clutter this year? Which of these categories do you need to focus on the most? Let me know in the comments!

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  1. i love decluttering this time of year! and for some reason i really accumulated a lot of clutter this past year. i want to go into the warmer seasons with a clean slate and a fresh home. this list is perfect!

  2. Jenny!! This post was the most perfect reminder that I needed right now. I’ve been planning on decluttering–mentally and physically–for a while. I’ve made some headway with that by just being consistent again with my routines this year, but I know I’ll feel even better once I clear my spaces out again. Loved this x

  3. These are so many great suggestions of ways you can Spring clean your life. I like to declutter my space as well as my digital space. Facebook friends is something I am continuously re-visiting and chopping down! Thank you for sharing Jenny!


  4. Those are great tips and I like the part of taking step by step in different areas.

    The Facebook one is harder. I have tried to clean up my friend’s list, but some of them come back …But I use a lot of unfollow or snooze for marathon posters (the ones that post every 5 minutes or share an unlimited amount of FB games (share and win).

    About physical decluttering… I have a whole house full to clean up, so I expect this will be my record decluttering year in physical things

  5. Oh I love these tips so much, Jen! I’m not good with physical declutter, but when it comes to digital devices, I declutter them weekly – photos, videos, files, etc. Last month I declutter my Facebook friends, now I’m considering Twitter and Instagram friends too 🙂

  6. I always find I can relate to these posts. I love spring and spring cleaning. I’m going to find it a little difficult this year, what with everything – moving, work etc. But I think it is a good chance to actually start considering what to keep and what not to. I’ve got so much to do with my digital files – a good 6 months worth of content and files that I need to go over. And will do so soon. Thank you for the remind, haha.

  7. I’m really bad with digital clutter, but try to delete files or file them away into the appropriate folder. Long way to go, but yeah too much stuff on my desktop drives me insane.

  8. Excellent post! With these warmer spring days coming, is it inspiring to get started organizing and cleaning one area at a time. I like how you have woven the whole thing together into a ‘spring clean of your life’. Lots of good ideas! 🙂

  9. A physical declutter always makes me feel so productive and motivated. Watch lists are definitely something I need to work on, my YouTube is horrendous. I can’t remember the last time it had less than 100 videos on it x

  10. I was going through the list hoping I was not failing at all of these, and guess what? I am guilty of all of them. All of them!! I guess it’s time for some good spring clean around here, so many of these I hadn’t thought of so thank you for the inspiration Jenny x

  11. Wonderful post! I’ve been working on decluttering since Christmas and it’s felt great! Letting go of things that no longer serve you makes room for the things that do! Thanks for sharing! Happy spring! 🙂

  12. Such helpful tips! I have been decluttering a lot of who I follow on Instagram lately, and should really have a looK at Facebook even if I rarely use it! Negative self talk and limiting beliefs too are next as well a sa great physical declutter for my room! Thanks for sharing x

  13. My brother has a gym membership that he’s been paying for but he doesn’t use. It’s losing him a couple hundred dollars every year! Any subscriptions that you don’t need, I highly recommend cancelling.

  14. Negative self talk is definitely something I should work on, I used to be so good with digital decluttering though, I need to get back on that one. Backing stuff up, organising my files&emails. Spring is the best month of the year imo x

  15. All great points! I recently went through my Instagram follows and it is so much clearer now. I also only see content that I enjoy now. I really need to go through my email subscriptions so thank you for the reminder!

  16. Amazing advice Jenny, it is a great time to declutter the things that don’t align with our current self. So many things we don’t pay attention to, take away our time during the day! I’m glad you also mentioned negative self-talk, a good time to look inward by journaling.

  17. I agree with every single one of these tips lovely! I did a massive declutter of friends on Facebook a couple of months back and wow, did it make me feel good. Getting rid of all the toxic people in my life is something I’ve been wanting to do for a while so I’m working on it everyday. You’ve shared some great tips which I really think people will find helpful. Thank you so much for sharing Xo

    Elle – ellegracedeveson.com

  18. Hi Jenny, this is a great list of things to declutter now that Spring is in full bloom. I like how there is a mix of physical and abstract clutter (mental/emotional). I 100% agree that it is good to cull our lists of “friends.” Although I am not an active FB user, I will declutter my phone each month and delete what does not belong. I have yet to declutter my other digital clutter such as computer files, bookmarked links, etc. Happy Spring Cleaning!!

      1. Is it just me or is FB anxiety inducing? My husband uses FB constantly (he’s addicted to it like I am addicted to blogging) so I see the FB feeds every day. I try to look away sometimes, but will occasionally read it.

        Its’s funny you mentioned decluttering your friends lists because I am currently decluttering the “dead blogs” that I’m following (my equivalent of a friends list I gues lol). By dead I mean abandoned… it’s a real shame seeing so many people quit. It makes me want to work even harder!

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